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Man avoids rain puddle by pressing button and summoning his Tesla

To avoid a rather sizable puddle of rainwater, a Reddit user employed a helpful piece of Tesla technology, the "Summon" feature....

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Monday 13 December 2021

VVS When Pump! __VVS Finance Price Prediction & Technical Analysis! VVS News Tod by ExpertOption Scam

VVS When Pump! __VVS Finance Price Prediction & Technical Analysis! VVS News Tod by ExpertOption Scam



Uploaded 2021-12-13T12:55:56.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Dec 13, 2021-Watchman News-Matt 2:4-6 - 8th Day + Daniel's 70th Week Ending, 1211 Days + X Marks the Spot, Antartica MOB & More! by Trevis Dampier Ministries

Dec 13, 2021-Watchman News-Matt 2:4-6 - 8th Day + Daniel's 70th Week Ending, 1211 Days + X Marks the Spot, Antartica MOB & More! by Trevis Dampier Ministries


News Feed – https://liveactioneating.com/ VERSE OF THE DAY Matthew 2:4-6 (New King James Version) And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet: ‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.’ ” ________________________________________ Understanding of ARM vs Right Hand of Revelation 13;16-18 – https://youtu.be/o4nXtcnz0Ls The Dove Release of Noah symbolism to the 3 End Times Ministry Segments – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/08/16/the-dove-release-of-noah-to-the-3-part-end-times-ministries/ Jacob ( Jesus) and His Work for the Father to gain Rachel (Bride of Christ),Leah (Israel), the Flocks (Church) and the World (Those that are lost) Timeline – 1988 -2028 – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/08/20/jacob-jesus-and-his-work-for-the-father-to-gain-rachel-bride-of-christleah-israel-the-flocks-church-and-the-world-those-that-are-lost-timeline-1988-2028/ ________________________________________ Dream of Bill Larkin (7 Years Ago) La Palma Destruction Falling into the Sea – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/09/17/watch-vision-of-tsunami-in-east-coast-florida-new-jersey-underwater-bill-larkin-on-youtube/ ________________________________________ High Watch Times Nov 10th – Abomination of Desolation related to Daniel 9 & Jeremiah 52 Study by Leeland Jones – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/11/02/jeremiah-52-key-to-daniel-9-dont-speak-news-by-leeland-jones/ Nov 14th – Laudato Si (7 Year Covenant with Many to Begin) Nov 18th-19th (Kislev 15) – when the Blood Moon occurs and the Abomination of Desolation according to the Book of Maccabees in 168 BCE. 10 Days is referenced when the actual event took place in those days when Antiochus Epiphanes erected a Statue of zeus, but put his own face in it, then 10 days later he offered a pig as a sacrifice in the altar, then placed the Blood in the Holy Temple of Israel and poured it over the Torah Scrolls and converted the Temple to a shrine of zeus. Nov 21st – 17 Kislev (1947) – The United Nations General Assembly approves a plan for the partition of Palestine, which eventually led to the creation of the State of Israel. Nov 23rd – Fibonacci Day (La Palma shown in I PET GOAT with Psalm 23 on the Wall + Math Equation of F = -F on Chalkboard) 11/23 = 1 + 1+ 2 + 3 (Fibonacci Math) Nov 26th – 7 Day Marker from Nov 19th Eclipse- 1 Kings 8:65 At that time Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great assembly from the entrance of Hamath to the Brook of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven days and seven more days—fourteen days. Nov 29th (Kislev 25) – This is 10 days from Nov 19th, brings us to Nov 29th, which is 4 years from the True Birth of Israel. Nov 29th, 1947 and the Parable of the Fig Tree. Dec 1st (Kislev 27) – Forty days of rain end; begin 150 days of water’s swelling and churning, during which the water reaches a height of 15 cubits above the mountain peaks. Dec 3rd/4th – 14 Day Marker from Nov 19th Eclipse – 1 Kings 8:65 At that time Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great assembly from the entrance of Hamath to the Brook of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven days and seven more days—fourteen days. Dec 5th-6th – 8th Day of Hanukkah related to 1 Kings 8:65-66 and the 14 Days between the Blood Moons of Nov 19th-Dec 5th (Gen 8:5 – Tops of Mountain Seen – Noah Story) Dec 7th-8th – 8th Day of Hanukkah (Torah Calendar). Ezekiel 1:1 on the 8th/9th – Ezekiel’s Vision of God 1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the River Chebar, that the heavens were opened and I saw visions[a] of God. Dec 12th/13th (Tevet 8)- Festival of the Septuagint -Septuagint is Completed - Megillat Ta'anit (Daniel’s 70th Week) – 8th Day related to 1 Kings 8:66 Dec 14th – (Tevet 10) – Esther appears before Achashverosh for the first time and is chosen by him to be the Queen Dec 21st – Winter begins in Israel May 1st/2nd, 2022 – 150 Days from Kislev 27 (Iyar 0) New Moon – Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Iyyar ________________________________________ Sabbath of the Blood Moon (Nov 19th-20th) https://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/3197/jewish/Vayishlach-in-a-Nutshell.htm Parashah #10 Readings Mi-Ketz (At the End Of) TorahGenesis 41:1-44:17 Haftarahs1 Kings 3:15-4:1 Brit ChadashahActs 7:9-16 Miketz in a Nutshell Genesis 41:1–44:17 Joseph’s imprisonment finally ends when Pharaoh dreams of seven fat cows that are swallowed up by seven lean cows, and of seven fat ears of grain swallowed by seven lean ears. ________________________________________ Prepare for Lord Jesus Christ! Please repent, accept the free gift of Jesus Christ’s Death on the Cross for payment for your sins.

Uploaded 2021-12-13T12:19:18.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

VVS When Pump! __VVS Finance Price Prediction & Technical Analysis! VVS News Tod.mp4 by IQoptions

VVS When Pump! __VVS Finance Price Prediction & Technical Analysis! VVS News Tod.mp4 by IQoptions



Uploaded 2021-12-13T11:55:51.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Great Joy by LHCCHOG

Great Joy by LHCCHOG


The angel brought good news that would bring Great Joy to All. Watch and find out why.

Uploaded 2021-12-13T10:23:15.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Cebolla News by El Nuevo Diario

Cebolla News by El Nuevo Diario


Uploaded 2021-12-13T10:59:33.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Morning News Mon 121321 by Robert L. Bolton II

Morning News Mon 121321 by Robert L. Bolton II


Uploaded 2021-12-13T10:55:14.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

km_Channel ID (2006) _ Astro World News_540p by Astro Aqilfans

km_Channel ID (2006) _ Astro World News_540p by Astro Aqilfans


Uploaded 2021-12-13T10:16:33.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

km_Channel ID (2009) _ Astro World News_540p by Astro Aqilfans

km_Channel ID (2009) _ Astro World News_540p by Astro Aqilfans


Uploaded 2021-12-13T10:15:16.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

km_Channel ID (2015) _ Astro World News_480p by Astro Aqilfans

km_Channel ID (2015) _ Astro World News_480p by Astro Aqilfans


Uploaded 2021-12-13T10:14:10.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

The Blend - Episode 1 by Spines & Vines by Jamise Harper

The Blend - Episode 1 by Spines & Vines by Jamise Harper


Summer 2021 - Rose Wine Recommendations, Book Reviews & News

Uploaded 2021-12-13T10:04:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Connect with financial support: December 2021 by My RHP

Connect with financial support: December 2021 by My RHP


If you're worried about money, we're here to help. In this short film, we talk to Donna, our Welfare Support Advisor, and Justin from Citizens-Advice Richmond about benefits you may be able to claim, energy-saving advice and how budgeting can help make the most of the money you have. Links: Citizens Advice Richmond: https://www.citizensadvicerichmond.org/ & https://www.citizensadvicerichmond.org/your-money/ Financial Support Directory: https://www.rhp.org.uk/news/news/financial-support-directory/ Better off benefit & budget calculator: https://www.rhp.org.uk/news/news/worried-about-money-we-re-here-to-help/ Worried about heating costs? https://www.rhp.org.uk/news/news/worried-about-heating-costs/

Uploaded 2021-12-13T10:01:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Anc Abs-Cbn News Channel Logo by news china

Anc Abs-Cbn News Channel Logo by news china


Uploaded 2021-12-13T09:23:44.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Carlsen's Highest FIDE Rating 2889. II Carlsen 2881 vs. Nakamura 2772. R2.2, V. Gashimanov Memorial. by Offbeat Gambits

Carlsen's Highest FIDE Rating 2889. II Carlsen 2881 vs. Nakamura 2772. R2.2, V. Gashimanov Memorial. by Offbeat Gambits


#MagnusCarlsen #HikaruNakamura #VGashimanovMem source info: https://en.chessbase.com/post/when-did-they-get-it-ten-highest-ever-rated-players / https://www.chess.com/news/view/carlsen-also-beats-nakamura-in-shamkir-1765 This Channel is dedicated to everything related to chess, rare and offbeat gambit openings, transpositions. chess history, top 10 /facts, Chess Puzzle & Tricks, and "The Best of Philippine Chess!". Carlsen, Magnus (2881) vs. Nakamura, Hikaru (2772) 1-0 Shamkir AZE: Vugar Gashimov Mem 2014: 2014.04.21 1. d4 d52. c4 c63. Nf3 Nf64. e3 Bf55. Nc3 a66. Be2 6. Bd3 Bxd37. Qxd3 e68. O-O Bb49. Bd2 O-O10. Rfd1 a511. a3 Be712. e4 dxe413. Nxe4 Nxe414. Qxe4 Nd7Aronian,L (2830)-Topalov,V (2785) Khanty-Mansiysk 2014 6... h67. Bd3 7. Qb3 Ra78. cxd5 cxd59. Ne5 e610. Bd2 Be711. O-O O-O12. Rfc1 Nfd7Le Quang,L (2702)-Vallejo Pons,F (2706) Tromsø 2013 7... Bxd38. Qxd3 e69. O-O Bb410. Bd2 O-O11. Rfd1 Bxc312. Bxc3 Nbd713. b3 Qe714. Rac1 Rac815. Qe2 Ne416. Bb2Black has almost equalized, but not just yet.16... Rfd8 16... b5 !? 17. Ne1 Nd618. Ba3 f5A commital move. At first sight this looks like a nice Stonewall where the light-squared bishop has been traded already, but it's not that easy. The computer doesn't like it, but the real problems only start later for Black.19. Nd3 Nf620. Bb4 Qc721. Qf3 dxc422. bxc4 Nf723. a4 a524. Be1 b625. Qg3 Qxg326. hxg3 Ra827. f3 Rdb828. Rc2 b529. Nc5 bxc430. Rxc4 Nd5 Nakamura suggested30... e5"White is probably a bit better but I find it hard to believe that this should be anything, any big advantage."31. dxe5 Nxe532. Rcc1 Nd533. e4 fxe434. Nxe4 Nb4and Black has a better version than the game but according to Carlsen White is still slightly better. 31. Bd2 e532. e4 fxe433. Nxe4 Nb6?Nakamura described this as a blunder. "I was hallucinating. Somehow I thought the rook was getting trapped here. (... ) After 33...Nb6 it's just losing." 33... exd434. Rxd4and "with correct play it should still be a draw but of course White has all the chances." (Nakamura) Perhaps33... Rb2was also an option. 34. Rxc6 Nd8 34... exd435. Bf4is a problem and 34... Nxa435. d5also looks good for White. 35. Rg6 Nc436. dxe5 Kh737. Rg4 Nxe538. Rh4This should be a technical win for White, especially in the hands of a world champion.38... Ndf739. Bc3 Rb340. Rd5 Re841. Rf4 Re742. Bxa5 Ng643. Rff5 Nfe544. Rd1 Nc445. Rc1 Nxa546. Rxa5 Ra347. Rcc5Playing for domination.47... Ra2 A nice line is shown by GMs Genna Sosonko and Viorel Iordachescu in the official live video commentary is47... Rd748. Ra8 Ra1+49. Kh2 Rdd1and now, as it turns out, it's Black who gets mated:50. Nf6+ ! gxf651. Rc7+ Ne752. Rxe7+ Kg653. Rg8+ Kf553... Kh554. g4+ Kh455. g3#54. g4+ Kf455. Re4# 48. Kh2 Rd749. Ra6 Ne750. g4 Rb751. Rb5 Rc752. Nc5 Rc653. Rxc6 Nxc654. Rb7 Nd455. Kh3 Kg856. Rb4 Ne257. g5 Ng1+58. Kg3 Ne2+59. Kg4 hxg560. Kxg5 Ng161. Rg4 Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru Nakamura, Vugar Gashimanov Memorial.

Uploaded 2021-12-13T09:18:49.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Sunday 12 December 2021

Christmas is Good News.mp4 by Hill City Church

Christmas is Good News.mp4 by Hill City Church


Christmas is Good News 12/12/2021 You can watch our entire services live online. Take notes, bring your questions and we’ll answer them through live chat. Even submit a prayer request and we’ll pray for you

Uploaded 2021-12-12T11:55:17.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Dec 12, 2021 - Watchman News - Gal 4:4-5 - Daniel's 70th Week Ends Today, 717 Today!, MOB Expansion & More!! by Trevis Dampier Ministries

Dec 12, 2021 - Watchman News - Gal 4:4-5 - Daniel's 70th Week Ends Today, 717 Today!, MOB Expansion & More!! by Trevis Dampier Ministries


News Feed – https://liveactioneating.com/ VERSE OF THE DAY Galatians 4:4-5 (New King James Version) But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. ________________________________________ Understanding of ARM vs Right Hand of Revelation 13;16-18 – https://youtu.be/o4nXtcnz0Ls The Dove Release of Noah symbolism to the 3 End Times Ministry Segments – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/08/16/the-dove-release-of-noah-to-the-3-part-end-times-ministries/ Jacob ( Jesus) and His Work for the Father to gain Rachel (Bride of Christ),Leah (Israel), the Flocks (Church) and the World (Those that are lost) Timeline – 1988 -2028 – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/08/20/jacob-jesus-and-his-work-for-the-father-to-gain-rachel-bride-of-christleah-israel-the-flocks-church-and-the-world-those-that-are-lost-timeline-1988-2028/ ________________________________________ Dream of Bill Larkin (7 Years Ago) La Palma Destruction Falling into the Sea – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/09/17/watch-vision-of-tsunami-in-east-coast-florida-new-jersey-underwater-bill-larkin-on-youtube/ ________________________________________ High Watch Times Nov 10th – Abomination of Desolation related to Daniel 9 & Jeremiah 52 Study by Leeland Jones – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/11/02/jeremiah-52-key-to-daniel-9-dont-speak-news-by-leeland-jones/ Nov 14th – Laudato Si (7 Year Covenant with Many to Begin) Nov 18th-19th (Kislev 15) – when the Blood Moon occurs and the Abomination of Desolation according to the Book of Maccabees in 168 BCE. 10 Days is referenced when the actual event took place in those days when Antiochus Epiphanes erected a Statue of zeus, but put his own face in it, then 10 days later he offered a pig as a sacrifice in the altar, then placed the Blood in the Holy Temple of Israel and poured it over the Torah Scrolls and converted the Temple to a shrine of zeus. Nov 21st – 17 Kislev (1947) – The United Nations General Assembly approves a plan for the partition of Palestine, which eventually led to the creation of the State of Israel. Nov 23rd – Fibonacci Day (La Palma shown in I PET GOAT with Psalm 23 on the Wall + Math Equation of F = -F on Chalkboard) 11/23 = 1 + 1+ 2 + 3 (Fibonacci Math) Nov 26th – 7 Day Marker from Nov 19th Eclipse- 1 Kings 8:65 At that time Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great assembly from the entrance of Hamath to the Brook of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven days and seven more days—fourteen days. Nov 29th (Kislev 25) – This is 10 days from Nov 19th, brings us to Nov 29th, which is 4 years from the True Birth of Israel. Nov 29th, 1947 and the Parable of the Fig Tree. Dec 1st (Kislev 27) – Forty days of rain end; begin 150 days of water’s swelling and churning, during which the water reaches a height of 15 cubits above the mountain peaks. Dec 3rd/4th – 14 Day Marker from Nov 19th Eclipse – 1 Kings 8:65 At that time Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great assembly from the entrance of Hamath to the Brook of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven days and seven more days—fourteen days. Dec 5th-6th – 8th Day of Hanukkah related to 1 Kings 8:65-66 and the 14 Days between the Blood Moons of Nov 19th-Dec 5th (Gen 8:5 – Tops of Mountain Seen – Noah Story) Dec 7th-8th – 8th Day of Hanukkah (Torah Calendar). Ezekiel 1:1 on the 8th/9th – Ezekiel’s Vision of God 1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the River Chebar, that the heavens were opened and I saw visions[a] of God. Dec 14th – (Tevet 10) – Esther appears before Achashverosh for the first time and is chosen by him to be the Queen Dec 21st – Winter begins in Israel May 1st/2nd, 2022 – 150 Days from Kislev 27 (Iyar 0) New Moon – Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Iyyar ________________________________________ Sabbath of the Blood Moon (Nov 19th-20th) – Parshat Vayishlach https://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/3197/jewish/Vayishlach-in-a-Nutshell.htm Parashah #10 Readings Mi-Ketz (At the End Of) TorahGenesis 41:1-44:17 Haftarahs1 Kings 3:15-4:1 Brit ChadashahActs 7:9-16 Miketz in a Nutshell Genesis 41:1–44:17 Joseph’s imprisonment finally ends when Pharaoh dreams of seven fat cows that are swallowed up by seven lean cows, and of seven fat ears of grain swallowed by seven lean ears. Joseph interprets the dreams to mean that seven years of plenty will be followed by seven years of hunger, and advises Pharaoh to store grain during the plentiful years. Pharaoh appoints Joseph governor of Egypt. Joseph marries Asenath, daughter of Potiphar, and they have two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. ________________________________________ Prepare for the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! Please repent and accept the free gift of Jesus Christ’s Death on the Cross for payment for your sins.

Uploaded 2021-12-12T11:54:47.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

VietNews TV by Jimmy Nguyen

VietNews TV by Jimmy Nguyen


VietNews TV Stream 24/7

Uploaded 2021-12-12T11:51:00.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

HopeUC News 12th December 2021.mp4 by Hope Unlimited Church India

HopeUC News 12th December 2021.mp4 by Hope Unlimited Church India


Uploaded 2021-12-12T11:04:15.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Sichere Wege, um Testosteron zu erhöhen.mp4 by LucyDunn

Sichere Wege, um Testosteron zu erhöhen.mp4 by LucyDunn


Sichere Wege, um Testosteron zu erhöhen Testosteron-Booster werden nicht von jedem empfohlen. Es gibt kaum Beweise dafür, dass diese Booster wirken. Substanzen, die als „Prohormone“ bezeichnet werden, wie sie zur Behandlung von Akne und Gynäkomastie verwendet werden, können schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen haben, einschließlich Leber, Nieren , oder Nierenschäden, Stimmungsprobleme und Gynäkomastie.

Uploaded 2021-12-12T10:30:45.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Good News Wk 4 - The Good News About God's Love [Message Only] by ELEVATE CHURCH

Good News Wk 4 - The Good News About God's Love [Message Only] by ELEVATE CHURCH


Nothing can separate us from God’s love in Jesus!

Uploaded 2021-12-12T09:19:04.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Saturday 11 December 2021

Tribute to AB De Villiers | Legends Never Die | AB de Villiers retires from cricket by Bharat

Tribute to AB De Villiers | Legends Never Die | AB de Villiers retires from cricket by Bharat


AB de Villiers retires from cricket! Ab De Villers retires at the at the age of 37 from all forms of cricket! The cricket legend holds the record for the second and third highest individual scores. And has won most number of "Man of the match" awards in IPL. He's truly a match winner! Happy retirement to AB! Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

Uploaded 2021-12-11T12:56:10.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

The Connected Church News E80 - December Week 2 2021 by Church Communications

The Connected Church News E80 - December Week 2 2021 by Church Communications


The Connected Church News, Episode 80 - December 2021 Week 2 Weekly Digital & Social Media News with Natchi Lazarus 1. YouTube releases lessons from 2021 Top Videos & Creators 2. Meta updates Facebook policy to accommodate Cryptocurrency Ads 3. LinkedIn Creator Mode gets live streaming & newsletter 4. Google releases details of a futuristic 3D online meeting tool 5. Clubhouse News: Topics + 13 Languages incl. Chinese, Arabic ________________________________________

 Visit: http://churchcommunications.com Join: http://churchcommunications.com/group Follow: https://churchcommunications.com/instagram Like: https://churchcommunications.com/facebook Tweet: https://churchcommunications.com/twitter ABOUT CHURCH COMMUNICATIONS® Church Communications® is a community of over 30,000 members, led by Katie Allred and Kenny Jahng. Katie and Kenny want to help you become a church communication expert. In order to do that, you need a community that helps you become better at your job. The problem is you're swamped and the expectation on you are incredibly high—this makes you feel overwhelmed and overlooked. We believe you shouldn’t have to do ministry alone. We understand because we’ve worked in the church too, which is why we built a community of members that are ready to support and cheer you on. Join the community today!

Uploaded 2021-12-11T12:55:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

KCBS All News 106.9Fm 740Am Logo by India

KCBS All News 106.9Fm 740Am Logo by India


Uploaded 2021-12-11T11:52:15.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

DarwinAI CityNews Interview by Sheldon Fernandez

DarwinAI CityNews Interview by Sheldon Fernandez


Sheldon Fernandez, CEO of DarwinAI, and Dr. Alexander Wong, Canada Research chair in AI, on CityNews talking about COVID-Net

Uploaded 2021-12-11T11:51:13.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

CityNewsInterview.f4v by Sheldon Fernandez

CityNewsInterview.f4v by Sheldon Fernandez


Uploaded 2021-12-11T11:43:35.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Fox News Radio 99.1 Fm Talk Logo by India

Fox News Radio 99.1 Fm Talk Logo by India


Uploaded 2021-12-11T11:43:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Minimal News Pack V1 Motion Design by Antony Parker

Minimal News Pack V1 Motion Design by Antony Parker


✔️ Download here: https://templatesbravo.com/vh/item/minimal-news-pack-v1/23820788 News Opener: 15 Text 07 Photo Video Lower Thirds: 04 Text 02 Photo / Video Bumper: 01 Logo 03 Photo / Video 01 Text Logo Intro: 01 Logo 01 Photo / Video 01 Text Duration: 1:25 No Plugins Easy Color Change (Color Control) Fast Render Full HD Resolution Aftereffesct [information on project page] Version And Above Video and Music are not included. Music Link: [information on project page]

Uploaded 2021-12-11T10:00:09.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

And it went like.mp4 by Indian MrBeast

And it went like.mp4 by Indian MrBeast


this video is a road trip with my boys. and it went like . drone view's and trip to a farm for work. Short video . My links :- 1) Patreons :- 2) Instagram :- 3)Pinterest :- ... Fair use. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. #drone #anditwentlike #indianmrbeast

Uploaded 2021-12-11T09:40:06.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Friday 10 December 2021

Estamos en modo navidad en Indra News TV by Conectamos Vidas

Estamos en modo navidad en Indra News TV by Conectamos Vidas


Uploaded 2021-12-10T13:43:25.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

8th Dec Dawn NEws (Zara Hatt Kay) - Nazim Jokhio.avi by mediatrack Pakistan

8th Dec Dawn NEws (Zara Hatt Kay) - Nazim Jokhio.avi by mediatrack Pakistan


Uploaded 2021-12-10T11:37:18.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

ITV Wales News feature planting with Sir Gareth Edwards in Horatio's Garden Wales by Horatio's Garden

ITV Wales News feature planting with Sir Gareth Edwards in Horatio's Garden Wales by Horatio's Garden


ITV News Wales visited the site of our sixth stunning sanctuary in November 2021, as planting began with help from Wales Rugby legend Sir Gareth Edwards and a brilliant team of volunteers. To find out more about Horatio's Garden Wales, please visit www.horatiosgarden.org.uk/wales

Uploaded 2021-12-10T10:42:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

News (Conservation of forests) by Max

News (Conservation of forests) by Max


Uploaded 2021-12-10T10:19:17.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield




MUSHIN OJUWOYE OBASHIP STOOL: Families Cry Out To Government Over Alleged Fraud Watch and Enjoy KAFTAN TV News on StarTimes Channel 124 LIVE 9PM daily. Visit | www.kaftan.tv #imagineabeautifulworld #KAFTANTV # primetimenews #share #comment #like #watch

Uploaded 2021-12-10T10:16:59.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Thursday 9 December 2021

Worcester News Tonite coverage of Baby Safe Haven. by Baby Safe Haven

Worcester News Tonite coverage of Baby Safe Haven. by Baby Safe Haven


Worcester News Tonite coverage of Baby Safe Haven.

Uploaded 2021-12-09T15:33:47.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Cold Case Murder Arrest - News.mp4 by foster+freeman

Cold Case Murder Arrest - News.mp4 by foster+freeman


Uploaded 2021-12-09T15:30:59.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

ENN's Livestream by BHS Events

ENN's Livestream by BHS Events


https://www.ennsunrise.com/ Eagles News Network is Barrington High School student journalism. Tune in live Tuesday-Friday at 8:30 for our flagship show, Sunrise, and catch our special broadcasts of athletic and community events on ennsunrise.com/live ►Follow ENN Online Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ennsunrise/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ennsunrise​ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ennsunrise/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNvZqI2_gsq_Q5VxgmjDI5w ►Important Links Email Notifications: https://www.ennsunrise.com/livealert Announcement Request: https://www.ennsunrise.com/request

Uploaded 2021-12-09T15:27:01.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield




� Wonderful News from Belize on the coming up Auspicious Occasion of Jayanthi � SHRIKAILASA signed bilateral relations with Dangriga Town in Belize, home of a large population of Garifuna people. His Worship Robert Mariano Mayor of Dangriga town in Belize, also presents a Special Recognition to The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and The Sovereign of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA for reviving the ancient enlightened Hindu Civilizational Nation. Please see enclosed image of Recognition. Thank you.

Uploaded 2021-12-09T15:21:43.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Darren Thatcher Deepdive on Agile Mindsets Agile World Hot Topic S4 E5 by Agile World

Darren Thatcher Deepdive on Agile Mindsets Agile World Hot Topic S4 E5 by Agile World


Agile World Hot Topics with our hosts Sabrina C E Bruce and Karl Smith talk with Darren Thatcher https://www.linkedin.com/in/darren-thatcher/ about the complexity around agile mindsets, patterns, cognition and the as yet unanswered questions around agile behaviours. He's has started a conversation that has the possibility to challenge the simplistic view of agile mindset adoption and really provide a better insight into the human experience. #Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster Talk Shows Agile World in Better English https://agile-world.news/team/agile-world-in-better-english/ Agile World in Spanish https://agile-world.news/team/agile-world-in-spanish/ Agile World in English https://agile-world.news/team/agile-world-in-english/ Agile World Hot Topics https://agile-world.news/agile-world-hot-topics/ Online Agile World News https://agile-world.news/ Agile World Institute https://agile-world.org/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/agile-world-news/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/agileworldnews Instagram https://www.instagram.com/agileworldnews/ Twitter https://twitter.com/AgileWorldNews Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/agile-world YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/AgileWorld Medium Agile World News https://medium.com/agile-world-news Podcast Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/1aMY1R5ct7EqrehR4aZUat Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/agile-world/id1553727032 Google Podcasts https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy80Y2FmNDhmYy9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== Pocket Casts https://pca.st/vbyfqprr Anchor https://anchor.fm/agile-world Breaker https://www.breaker.audio/agile-world Radio Public https://radiopublic.com/agile-world-WPNL9j Co Hosts Sabrina C E Bruce https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabrinabruce/ Karl A L Smith https://www.linkedin.com/in/karlsmith2/ Agile World © 2021 Broadcast Media, Hollywood, California | English content by Karl A L Smith and Sabrina C E Bruce | Music by Bensound.com

Uploaded 2021-12-09T15:21:12.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield




Tune in for intriguing analysis of News Events, Showing Daily at 10:00 AM On KAFTAN TV - StarTimes CH124 & 480. #ImagineABeautifulWorld #KAFTANTV #KAFTANPOST #THEPUNCH #BLUEPRINT #DAILYSUN #THEGUARDIAN #TRIBUNE #THENATION #THISDAY #VANGUARD

Uploaded 2021-12-09T14:26:54.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

12.9【役情最前線】拜登普京會談,力阻俄烏戰爭爆發;英國外交抵制北京冬奧 日本展開討論是否抵制;林鄭神邏輯:投票率低反映政府公信力高;97後港人無緣BNO簽證#役情最前線Zac主播 by HK EpochTimes

12.9【役情最前線】拜登普京會談,力阻俄烏戰爭爆發;英國外交抵制北京冬奧 日本展開討論是否抵制;林鄭神邏輯:投票率低反映政府公信力高;97後港人無緣BNO簽證#役情最前線Zac主播 by HK EpochTimes


負片世界見真實色彩 一起走過20年 共度艱難 ✅立即支持訂閱: https://hk.epochtimes.com/subscribe ✅直接贊助大紀元: https://www.epochtimeshk.org/sponsors ✅成為我們的Patron: https://www.patreon.com/epochtimeshk 【時事軍事-夏洛山】(國語版)新YouTube頻道按此直達�� https://bit.ly/3EqiiTG ✅現在馬上訂閱哦~(訂閱後記得同時開啟小鈴噹,選擇「全部」通知。感謝支持~) �歡迎訂閱「役情最前線Zac主播」:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m9... �綠標影片的清單: https://bit.ly/2FCwkbe (大家如果有時間,歡迎狂loop 依個清單) 請成為我們的Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/epochtimeshk �選擇「撐Zac」,就可以看到Zac的節目,只是5美元。�歡迎選擇 30美元 「撐大紀元」,可以看到5位主持人以及大紀元所有節目�。當然,十分歡迎你選擇 50美元,「大大力撐Zac」,除了表示支持之外,同樣可以看到5位主持人的所有節目。 Patreon訂閱教學影片:https://youtu.be/RY0xUI5InZk �訂閱Youmaker�https://www.youmaker.com/channel/5fd3... 主播Zac曾任國泰空中少爺,Appraisal 最高分。去年12月被召去見高層,枱上6張fb及IG反送中圖要求Zac招認,後被解僱。 �� https://youtu.be/t33SXE89-BA 新紀元12月刊【麥克阿瑟的臺灣預言】�立即購買:https://www.epochtimeshk.org/bookstore --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 珍言真語:https://bit.ly/2SoiCeh 焦點速遞:https://bit.ly/2uY6FEx 有冇搞錯:https://bit.ly/3czOEgH 役情最前線:https://bit.ly/2VOwQs5 鋒筆天下及紀元頭條:https://bit.ly/2PP8B9m 永不放棄 讓全世界看到正義 �爆料WhatsApp:+852 2770 8836 Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song The Piano Breathes Artist The Barr Brothers Licensed to YouTube by YouTube Audio Library Song Stars and Constellations Artist Sarah, The Illstrumentalist Album Stars and Constellations Licensed to YouTube by YouTube Audio Library Song News Room News Artist Spence Album News Room News Licensed to YouTube by YouTube Audio Library

Uploaded 2021-12-09T11:14:22.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Am 630 News Talk Sports Ched Logo by lord

Am 630 News Talk Sports Ched Logo by lord


Uploaded 2021-12-09T10:04:01.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Tariq Nasheed on TWITTER SPACES “The USA Today “Reparations” Discussion is a FARCE” + bonus video by Dee Tubman 2

Tariq Nasheed on TWITTER SPACES “The USA Today “Reparations” Discussion is a FARCE” + bonus video by Dee Tubman 2


��Please ��VISIT AMAZON�� to buy the ⚡️HIGHLY ANTICIPATED⚡️NEW BOOK by �BEST SELLING� author Tariq Nasheed, #FoundationBlackAmericanRaceBaiter�‼️‼️ AVAILABLE in paperback & hardcover � � �� https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0983104948/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 �☄️ALSO AVAILABLE ON Barnes & Noble�☄️‼️‼️‼️ �� https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/foundational-black-american-race-baiter-tariq-nasheed/1140488841?ean=9780983104940 #FunkOnWheels����� A�V�A�I�L�A�B�L�E  now on ALL PLATFORMS❗️ ❗️ ❗️CLICK THE LINK � to BUY NOW�� https://linktr.ee/minkslide  ��GET YOUR ⚔️BUCK BREAKING⚔️ DVD BOX SET�� �INCLUDES� �#BuckBreaking dvd �#HiddenColors 1-5 dvd �#1804 dvd ✅BONUS #BuckBreakingMovie POSTER LIVE STREAMING AVAILABLE NOW‼️�✨✨✨✨ � https://buckbreakingmovie.com � � https://buckbreakingmovie.com � � https://buckbreakingmovie.com � � https://buckbreakingmovie.com � � https://buckbreakingmovie.com � �CLICK HERE� to SUBSCRIBE to #TariqRadio�� https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjH72OaQxPoKgtv56C-4NOA �CLICK HERE�to give to the MELANOID MINISTRIES #TariqNasheedPayPal�� https://www.paypal.me/melanoidnation #TariqNasheedCASHAPP�� $KingFlex818 �CLICK HERE� to follow #TariqNasheedTwitter (@tariqnasheed)�� https://mobile.twitter.com/tariqnasheed �CLICK HERE� to follow #TariqNasheedInstagram�� https://instagram.com/tariqelite?igshid=1hy7ydq80hg9o �CLICK HERE� for the latest information abt the #BreakBreakingMovie�� BuckBreakingMovie.com �CLICK HERE� for #FBA bandannas, flags & t-shirts�� https://officialfba.com/ �CLICK HERE� to buy � #HiddenColors 1-5, #1804movie DVDS & online streaming�� HIDDENCOLORSFILM.COM �CLICK HERE� to get your #Karenkeychain �� https://karenkeychain.com �CLICK HERE� to buy #OgunJuice pepper spray, masks & socks�� https://ogunjuice.com/ �CLICK HERE� to send pics & vids if you see a suspicious #VANILLAISIS TERR0RIST in ur neighborhood or job (IMPORTANT INFO ONLY) ��fbamedia@protonmail.com �CLICK HERE� for #TariqNasheedCAMEO (birthday, anniversary shoutouts, roast your friends, please request what you want) ��  https://www.cameo.com/tariqnasheed?qid=1609918489 �CLICK HERE� to download the #FoundationFlex app on �iTunes�� https://apps.apple.com/us/app/foundationflex/id1514758532 �GooglePlay�� https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flex.foundationflex&hl=en_US �CLICK HERE� to purchase #Minkslide music & t-shirts�� https://minkslide.com Instagram�� https://instagram.com/minkslidemusic?igshid=1s30666xg8xto �CLICK HERE� to visit THE #1 SOURCE FOR NEWS CONCERNING FOUNDATIONAL BLACK AMERICANS #FBATIMES �� https://fbatimes.com �#NoAntiBlackRacism� � #ALLBLUELIVESMATTER � �Tariq’s emails�� info@tariqelite.com kflex4life@yahoo.com FBATIMES.gmail.com Melanoid Nation Foundation 818-775-0005 � PLEASE �CASHMOB� & show some FBA �� LOVE to Tariq’s daughter’s website � https://beatsbytaria.com/ � ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ��personal CashApp - $DeeTubman ��personal PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/deetubman

Uploaded 2021-12-09T09:43:46.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Cardi B Whipshots by Radical Company

Cardi B Whipshots by Radical Company


Weekly Marketing and Advertising News: December 3, 2021

Uploaded 2021-12-09T08:25:17.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

IOU? Have A Heineken! by Radical Company

IOU? Have A Heineken! by Radical Company


Weekly Marketing and Advertising News: December 3, 2021

Uploaded 2021-12-09T08:25:02.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Wednesday 8 December 2021

tv-presenter-in-virtual-studio-news-with-white-and-2021-09-23-15-16-10-utc by Vizzi

tv-presenter-in-virtual-studio-news-with-white-and-2021-09-23-15-16-10-utc by Vizzi


Uploaded 2021-12-08T14:11:16.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

News All Day 111821 Cold Open by Michael Wilkinson

News All Day 111821 Cold Open by Michael Wilkinson


Uploaded 2021-12-08T14:10:29.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Pawsitive News 12/8/21 by Lamia Musallam

Pawsitive News 12/8/21 by Lamia Musallam


Uploaded 2021-12-08T13:55:52.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield




Uploaded 2021-12-08T13:47:29.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

ENN's Livestream by BHS Events

ENN's Livestream by BHS Events


https://www.ennsunrise.com/ Eagles News Network is Barrington High School student journalism. Tune in live Tuesday-Friday at 8:30 for our flagship show, Sunrise, and catch our special broadcasts of athletic and community events on ennsunrise.com/live ►Follow ENN Online Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ennsunrise/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ennsunrise​ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ennsunrise/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNvZqI2_gsq_Q5VxgmjDI5w ►Important Links Email Notifications: https://www.ennsunrise.com/livealert Announcement Request: https://www.ennsunrise.com/request

Uploaded 2021-12-08T13:39:22.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

SCG Wednesday 12/8 by Corinne Smith

SCG Wednesday 12/8 by Corinne Smith


F.AVE Morning News

Uploaded 2021-12-08T11:19:26.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Get all Latest Canada Immigration related News Updates.mp4 by cictimes

Get all Latest Canada Immigration related News Updates.mp4 by cictimes


Canadian immigration news 2021 for Indians. Stay up to date with the latest Canadian news on Immigration programs, PNP, working & studying in Canada!

Uploaded 2021-12-08T10:39:58.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

News release.mp4 by Rudhraah1

News release.mp4 by Rudhraah1


Rudhrah technovations provide the news release service. The purpose of the news release is to get attention. We help many clients everyday and we are very experienced in news release. Please visit our website:

Uploaded 2021-12-08T10:17:52.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

BIG NEWS this April for Set Your Life To Music. Springtime = opening the door.mp4 by Alarke Music

BIG NEWS this April for Set Your Life To Music. Springtime = opening the door.mp4 by Alarke Music


Uploaded 2021-12-08T09:44:15.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Joy News_20211207_073800(030826.000-031233.187).ts by Ovaview Media Monitoring

Joy News_20211207_073800(030826.000-031233.187).ts by Ovaview Media Monitoring


Uploaded 2021-12-08T09:27:59.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Briani Claggett, Agile World Wellness Yoga to Fortify Immunity.mp4 by Agile World

Briani Claggett, Agile World Wellness Yoga to Fortify Immunity.mp4 by Agile World


Briani Claggett chats with Sabrina E. Bruce and Steve Moubray about simple breathing exercises to fortify yourself. You'll love learning about Briani's passion before she walks us through a 10-minute exercise which can be practiced at your desk, any time you feel the need. Over the past 7 years, Briani has built a yoga practice and teaching style that is uniquely her own. A dance injury is what originally prompted her to pick up a yoga mat, so naturally, elements of flow & expression are woven into her teaching style. And as one who’s always questioning & rebelling against limitations, she gently encourages her students to play on the edge of what’s currently comfortable & possible for them. Briani has completed two 200-hour yoga teacher trainings. Her first in Nicaragua with Meghan Currie, whose sensual and dance-like yoga practice captivated and inspired Briani to commit to yoga as a healing practice. And the other was in her hometown of Gaithersburg Maryland, where she was part of the thriving yoga community at Life Time Athletic. Briani currently lives in Baltimore, where she’s living out her desire to help her community connect more deeply with their bodies, with Nature, and with each other. She practices at AUthentic Yoga Studios https://authenticyoga.co/ and other local studios. You can find more of Briani’s work- including info about her upcoming online video series launch- on Instagram @nurhythms. https://www.instagram.com/nurhythms/ #Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #Wellness #Yoga Talk Shows Agile World Latino https://agile-world.news/agile-world-latino/ Agile World Deutsch https://agile-world.news/agile-world-in-german/ Agile World Português https://agile-world.news/agile-world-in-portuguese/ Agile World in Français https://agile-world.news/agile-world-in-french/ Agile World Indie https://agile-world.news/team/agile-world-indie/ Agile World in Better English https://agile-world.news/team/agile-world-in-better-english/ Agile World in Spanish https://agile-world.news/team/agile-world-in-spanish/ Agile World in English https://agile-world.news/team/agile-world-in-english/ Agile World Hot Topics https://agile-world.news/agile-world-hot-topics/ Online Agile World News https://agile-world.news/ Agile World Resources https://agile-world.org/ Agile World Institute https://agile-world.org/ Agile World Incorporated https://agile-world.charity/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/agile-world-news/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/agileworldnews Instagram https://www.instagram.com/agileworldnews/ Twitter https://twitter.com/AgileWorldNews Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/agile-world YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/AgileWorld Medium Agile World News https://medium.com/agile-world-news Podcast Agile World Amazon Music https://music.amazon.co.uk/podcasts/2422b12d-c04a-42b3-9e92-aab20dd254c2/agile-world? Agile World Audible https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Podcast/B08JK1RJ9T?qid=1630022541&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=c6e316b8-14da-418d-8f91-b3cad83c5183&pf_rd_r=YT950JRT00XNK1XDZTJH Agile World Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/1aMY1R5ct7EqrehR4aZUat Agile World Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/agile-world/id1553727032 Agile World Google Podcasts https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy80Y2FmNDhmYy9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw==%20Pocket%20Casts%20https://pca.st/vbyfqprr Agile World Pocket Casts https://pca.st/vbyfqprr Agile World Anchor https://anchor.fm/agile-world Agile World Breaker https://www.breaker.audio/agile-world Agile World Radio Public https://radiopublic.com/agile-world-WPNL9j Agile World Stitcher https://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=653409 Co Hosts Sabrina C E Bruce https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabrinabruce/ Steve Moubray https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevemoubray/ Big Thank You to: Karl A L Smith https://www.linkedin.com/in/karlsmith2/ Agile World © 2021 Agile World Broadcast Network, Hollywood, California | Content by Co-hosts | Music by Bensound.com

Uploaded 2021-12-08T09:25:07.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Joy News_20211207_142816(024344000-024630623) by Ovaview Media Monitoring

Joy News_20211207_142816(024344000-024630623) by Ovaview Media Monitoring


Uploaded 2021-12-08T08:56:44.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Joy News_20211207_073800(052543559-053444560) by Ovaview Media Monitoring

Joy News_20211207_073800(052543559-053444560) by Ovaview Media Monitoring


Uploaded 2021-12-08T08:54:51.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Joy News_20211207_073800(044430.559-045332.560).ts by Ovaview Media Monitoring

Joy News_20211207_073800(044430.559-045332.560).ts by Ovaview Media Monitoring


Uploaded 2021-12-08T08:54:30.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Tuesday 7 December 2021

NewsBreak | December 6, 2021 by UMTV School of Communication

NewsBreak | December 6, 2021 by UMTV School of Communication


"This December 6th episode of NewsBreak, Max Mereles and Annalise Iraola discuss the new holiday travel precautions put in place and the Pope's visit to Cyprus and Greece. Rachelle Barret updates us on the high school shooting in Michigan. Thanks for tuning in this semester hurricanes!" Executive Producers: Stefany Desroches, Savannah Yates Associate Producers: Kayla Davis, Isabelle Eisenberg Anchors: Annalise Iraola, Max Mereles, Rachelle Barret No packages or segments NewsBreak Fall 2021

Uploaded 2021-12-07T14:05:27.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products


The stock market has been more volatile in recent weeks, amid a rising tide of bad news on inflation, the Omicron variant, and job-creation, but key economic fundamentals are booming, and a hidden treasure of capitalism may slowly be making its way to the surface.

Uploaded 2021-12-07T13:38:38.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Huddle-2021-NewsUK.mp4 by Mindshare UK

Huddle-2021-NewsUK.mp4 by Mindshare UK


Uploaded 2021-12-07T11:51:53.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products


The stock market has been more volatile in recent weeks, amid a rising tide of bad news on inflation, the Omicron variant, and job-creation, but key economic fundamentals are booming, and a hidden treasure of capitalism may slowly be making its way to the surface.

Uploaded 2021-12-07T11:24:02.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

NTD News.mp4 by vnr.TV-be seen more. Kongshaug

NTD News.mp4 by vnr.TV-be seen more. Kongshaug


Uploaded 2021-12-07T09:47:45.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products


The stock market has been more volatile in recent weeks, amid a rising tide of bad news on inflation, the Omicron variant, and job-creation, but key economic fundamentals are booming, and a hidden treasure of capitalism may slowly be making its way to the surface.

Uploaded 2021-12-07T09:34:21.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products


The stock market has been more volatile in recent weeks, amid a rising tide of bad news on inflation, the Omicron variant, and job-creation, but key economic fundamentals are booming, and a hidden treasure of capitalism may slowly be making its way to the surface.

Uploaded 2021-12-07T09:29:11.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Equitas bank account zero balance saving bank account by Smart Work

Equitas bank account zero balance saving bank account by Smart Work


Application link : Disclaimer And Copyright: Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use All the songs and music used in this video belongs to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them. ©Note:- Some Images , Music , video, graphics are shown in this video may be Copyrighted to respect owner, not mine.

Uploaded 2021-12-07T09:27:06.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products

Amid Dangerous Crosscurrents, The Hidden Treasure In The U.S. Economy by Advisor Products


The stock market has been more volatile in recent weeks, amid a rising tide of bad news on inflation, the Omicron variant, and job-creation, but key economic fundamentals are booming, and a hidden treasure of capitalism may slowly be making its way to the surface.

Uploaded 2021-12-07T09:24:22.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Joy News_20211206_083419(043825.459-044159.460).ts by Ovaview Media Monitoring

Joy News_20211206_083419(043825.459-044159.460).ts by Ovaview Media Monitoring


Uploaded 2021-12-07T09:17:33.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Monday 6 December 2021

Australia Invites 400 Skilled Workers in the Latest Round of SkillSelect Invitations by Y-Axis Overseas Careers

Australia Invites 400 Skilled Workers in the Latest Round of SkillSelect Invitations by Y-Axis Overseas Careers


The Australian government’s Department of Home Affairs has announced the results of the latest round of SkillSelect invitations. On October 29, 2021, DHA issued a total of 400 invitations to skilled workers through SkillSelect to Australia skilled migration candidates eligible for the subclass 189 or subclass 491 visa. An Overview of the October 29 SkillSelect invitations Visa Type-Skilled Independent visa [subclass 189] Total invitations - 200 Minimum points score – 90 Visa Type- Skilled Work Regional [Provisional] visa [subclass 491] – Family Sponsored Total invitations -200 Minimum points score – 80 For Australian immigration, the 2021-22 program year will run from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Generally, quarterly invitation rounds are held for subclass 189 and subclass 491 Australian visas. The previous SkillSelect round of invitations was held on July 26, 2021. Call us for Free Counseling DUBAI: +971 (0) 42 483 900 AUSTRALIA: + 61 3 99394818 INDIA: +91 7670 800 000 Watch for Latest Visa News: https://www.youtube.com/c/YAxisOverseas For Latest Visa News: https://www.y-axis.com/news/ Website:https://www.y-axis.com/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YAXISOverseas Follow US on Twitter: https://twitter.com/yaxis Connect Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/y-axis-overseas-careers Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yaxisoverseas

Uploaded 2021-12-06T12:32:24.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Good News at Noon by The Love Center Church

Good News at Noon by The Love Center Church


Our Online Broadcast

Uploaded 2021-12-06T12:31:35.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

The Daily Slap Episode 83 News of the Weekend by John Mohr

The Daily Slap Episode 83 News of the Weekend by John Mohr


News of the Weekend

Uploaded 2021-12-06T12:31:29.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

BM&C NEWS by BM&C News

BM&C NEWS by BM&C News


Uploaded 2021-12-06T12:11:11.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Zacharias - unbelievable news by Clymer Baptist Church

Zacharias - unbelievable news by Clymer Baptist Church


Uploaded 2021-12-06T12:04:24.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

12.6【役情最前線】前一哥曾偉雄:黑社會猖獗因「黑暴」分散警力;鄒幸彤獲頒「中國傑出民主人士獎」;布林肯警告中共:攻台是「災難性」決定;滴滴出行正式退出美國交易市場#役情最前線Zac主播 by HK EpochTimes

12.6【役情最前線】前一哥曾偉雄:黑社會猖獗因「黑暴」分散警力;鄒幸彤獲頒「中國傑出民主人士獎」;布林肯警告中共:攻台是「災難性」決定;滴滴出行正式退出美國交易市場#役情最前線Zac主播 by HK EpochTimes


負片世界見真實色彩 一起走過20年 共度艱難 ✅立即支持訂閱: https://hk.epochtimes.com/subscribe ✅直接贊助大紀元: https://www.epochtimeshk.org/sponsors ✅成為我們的Patron: https://www.patreon.com/epochtimeshk 香港大紀元20周年 有獎問答遊戲!送超精緻【20周年紀念版】迷你LED花牌 https://hk.epochtimes.com/news/2021-1... 【時事軍事-夏洛山】(國語版)新YouTube頻道按此直達�� https://bit.ly/3EqiiTG ✅現在馬上訂閱哦~(訂閱後記得同時開啟小鈴噹,選擇「全部」通知。感謝支持~) �歡迎訂閱「役情最前線Zac主播」:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m9... �綠標影片的清單: https://bit.ly/2FCwkbe (大家如果有時間,歡迎狂loop 依個清單) 請成為我們的Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/epochtimeshk �選擇「撐Zac」,就可以看到Zac的節目,只是5美元。�歡迎選擇 30美元 「撐大紀元」,可以看到5位主持人以及大紀元所有節目�。當然,十分歡迎你選擇 50美元,「大大力撐Zac」,除了表示支持之外,同樣可以看到5位主持人的所有節目。 Patreon訂閱教學影片:https://youtu.be/RY0xUI5InZk �訂閱Youmaker�https://www.youmaker.com/channel/5fd3... 主播Zac曾任國泰空中少爺,Appraisal 最高分。去年12月被召去見高層,枱上6張fb及IG反送中圖要求Zac招認,後被解僱。 �� https://youtu.be/t33SXE89-BA 新紀元11月刊【紅色陰影下的世界】�立即購買:https://www.epochtimeshk.org/bookstore --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 珍言真語:https://bit.ly/2SoiCeh 焦點速遞:https://bit.ly/2uY6FEx 有冇搞錯:https://bit.ly/3czOEgH 役情最前線:https://bit.ly/2VOwQs5 鋒筆天下及紀元頭條:https://bit.ly/2PP8B9m 永不放棄 讓全世界看到正義 �爆料WhatsApp:+852 2770 8836 Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song News Room News Artist Spence Album News Room News Licensed to YouTube by YouTube Audio Library

Uploaded 2021-12-06T12:03:54.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Dem Widersacher ins Auge sehen | CATHERINES BLICK 6.12. 2021 by Catherine Thurner

Dem Widersacher ins Auge sehen | CATHERINES BLICK 6.12. 2021 by Catherine Thurner


3_ÖSTERREICHER_FÜR_ÖSTERREICH | mit Alexandra Bader, Manuel und Catherine: https://vimeo.com/653378334 Alexandra Bader: https://alexandrabader.wordpress.com/... Manuel Mittas: Out of the Box TV - Ein Journalist mit Gewissen!Unterstützen Sie unsere Freie- und unabhängige Medienarbeit – weitere Infos finden Sie hier:https://outoftheboxmedia.tv/unterstue... https://www.patreon.com/outoftheboxtv Tipps: Ernst Wolff: Die vierte industrielle Revolution | Vortrag von Ernst Wolff:https://youtu.be/Xtdb1VzDgZs "Es gibt eine böse Macht hinter den Regierungen!" (Ernst Wolff): https://youtu.be/Hg7cx9JpQLw Links: Beugehaft für Ungeimpfte: https://exxpress.at/alle-details-zum-... Initiativen dazu: https://report24.news/impfpflicht-im-... Briefe an Abgeordnete und Volksbegehren gegen Impfpflicht: https://keine-impfpflicht.at/volksbeg... Mikrochips für Geimpfte in Schweden: https://www.newsweek.com/people-get-m... Gespräch mit dem Totalitarismusforscher Mattias Desmet: https://uncutnews.ch/warum-opfern-men... Neue EU-Agentur zur "Pandemiebekämpfung" hebelt Nationalstaaten aus: https://corona-transition.org/ursula-... Pathologiekonferenz Teil 2 (zum ersten Mal im September zu Impfschäden); es geht darum, die "Auslöschung" von Menschen zu verhindern: https://youtu.be/4qPnkH5y47w Wie Raphael Bonelli bei Servus TV attackiert wurde: https://youtu.be/tJTeT0QkSow Zur Dynamik bei uns (gemeint ist: für "Ungeimpfte" geht der Lockdown weiter): https://exxpress.at/platter-legt-sich... Catherine Thurner Kanalinfo: https://t.me/t5mtxr8b/263 Alle Sendungen mit Catherine Thurner findest du in Telegram. Mein Hauptzugang auf Telegram: Catherines Blick: https://t.me/t5mtxr8b https://t.me/Catherines_Blick_Podcast http://CatherinesBlick.at http://CatherinesBlick.de http://CatherinesBlick.ch Mein YouTube-Hauptkanal:http://YouTube.CatherinesBlick.at: Mein YouTube-Ausweichkanal: http://YouTubeA.CatherinesBlick.at Meine Facebookseite: http://Facebook.CatherinesBlick.at Wichtig!: DOWNLOAD & REUPLOAD meiner Videos ist ausdrücklich ERWÜNSCHT! Meine Arbeit soll überall kostenlos zu finden sein. Ich freue mich aber natürlich über jede (auch kleine) UnterstützungPer Post: Fischbachstrasse 58a, A-5020 Salzburg Per Banküberweisung: Credit Suisse Zürich: Thurner Institut für schöpferische Lebensgestaltung IBAN: CH06 0483 5359 9742 2100 0 Per Paypal:https://paypal.me/CatherineThurner ►per Banküberweisung Österreich: IBAN: AT483500000000163378 BIC: RVSAAT2S

Uploaded 2021-12-06T11:51:25.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Genesis 2032 - Teaser for Social Media.mp4 by James Frei

Genesis 2032 - Teaser for Social Media.mp4 by James Frei


For this project I was the Colourist. A short concept for an original science fiction television series, currently in development. Our concept explores the tone, sound, and themes of the inner and outer worlds that Asphodel, our lead, experiences moments after he rmind is merged with an artificial one. In our series, what we see emerge is a third consciousness; this short concept begins building what that may look, feel and sound like. Produced by: Moog Media, Akira Studios, BarS Productions & Prowess Productions https://variety.com/2017/tv/news/zdf-enterprises-belladonna-productions-genesis-1202392550/

Uploaded 2021-12-06T11:47:42.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield




Recognizing Vital Role Of Banking System, Watch and Enjoy KAFTAN TV News on StarTimes Channel 124 LIVE 9PM daily. Visit | www.kaftan.tv #imagineabeautifulworld #KAFTANTV # primetimenews #share #comment #like #watch

Uploaded 2021-12-06T11:47:22.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

【12.6 紀元新聞7點鐘】《華爾街日報》社論提杯葛選舉,曾國衛去信警告;張高麗性侵事件,首次寫進美國議會決議;周焯華據報涉違國安,由中共中央主導逮捕;消息:拜登政府本周內宣布外交抵制北京冬奧 by HK EpochTimes

【12.6 紀元新聞7點鐘】《華爾街日報》社論提杯葛選舉,曾國衛去信警告;張高麗性侵事件,首次寫進美國議會決議;周焯華據報涉違國安,由中共中央主導逮捕;消息:拜登政府本周內宣布外交抵制北京冬奧 by HK EpochTimes


負片世界見真實色彩 一起走過20年 共度艱難 ✅立即支持訂閱: https://hk.epochtimes.com/subscribe ✅直接贊助大紀元: https://www.epochtimeshk.org/sponsors ✅成為我們的Patron: https://www.patreon.com/epochtimeshk 香港大紀元20周年 有獎問答遊戲!送超精緻【20周年紀念版】迷你LED花牌 https://hk.epochtimes.com/news/2021-11-03/50054763 【時事軍事-夏洛山】(國語版)新YouTube頻道按此直達�� https://bit.ly/3EqiiTG ✅現在馬上訂閱哦~(訂閱後記得同時開啟小鈴噹,選擇「全部」通知。感謝支持~) �歡迎訂閱「役情最前線Zac主播」:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m9zx3PiNWG8v0KIo-dWIg/featured?sub_confirmation=1 �綠標影片的清單: https://bit.ly/2FCwkbe (大家如果有時間,歡迎狂loop 依個清單) 請成為我們的Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/epochtimeshk �選擇「撐Zac」,就可以看到Zac的節目,只是5美元。�歡迎選擇 30美元 「撐大紀元」,可以看到5位主持人以及大紀元所有節目�。當然,十分歡迎你選擇 50美元,「大大力撐Zac」,除了表示支持之外,同樣可以看到5位主持人的所有節目。 Patreon訂閱教學影片:https://youtu.be/RY0xUI5InZk �訂閱Youmaker�https://www.youmaker.com/channel/5fd35335-5b74-433e-8b76-400a987409bb 主播Zac曾任國泰空中少爺,Appraisal 最高分。去年12月被召去見高層,枱上6張fb及IG反送中圖要求Zac招認,後被解僱。 �� https://youtu.be/t33SXE89-BA 新紀元11月刊【紅色陰影下的世界】�立即購買:https://www.epochtimeshk.org/bookstore --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 珍言真語:https://bit.ly/2SoiCeh 焦點速遞:https://bit.ly/2uY6FEx 有冇搞錯:https://bit.ly/3czOEgH 役情最前線:https://bit.ly/2VOwQs5 鋒筆天下及紀元頭條:https://bit.ly/2PP8B9m 永不放棄 讓全世界看到正義 �爆料WhatsApp:+852 2770 8836

Uploaded 2021-12-06T11:38:11.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Dec 6, 2021 - Watchman News - John 10: 14-15 - Is there Repentance after you've taken the MOB, Gates Gavi Alliance Plan & More!! by Trevis Dampier Ministries

Dec 6, 2021 - Watchman News - John 10: 14-15 - Is there Repentance after you've taken the MOB, Gates Gavi Alliance Plan & More!! by Trevis Dampier Ministries


News Feed – https://liveactioneating.com/ VERSE OF THE DAY John 10:14-15 (New King James Version) I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. ________________________________________ Understanding of ARM vs Right Hand of Revelation 13;16-18 – https://youtu.be/o4nXtcnz0Ls The Dove Release of Noah symbolism to the 3 End Times Ministry Segments – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/08/16/the-dove-release-of-noah-to-the-3-part-end-times-ministries/ Jacob ( Jesus) and His Work for the Father to gain Rachel (Bride of Christ),Leah (Israel), the Flocks (Church) and the World (Those that are lost) Timeline – 1988 -2028 – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/08/20/jacob-jesus-and-his-work-for-the-father-to-gain-rachel-bride-of-christleah-israel-the-flocks-church-and-the-world-those-that-are-lost-timeline-1988-2028/ ________________________________________ Dream of Bill Larkin (7 Years Ago) La Palma Destruction Falling into the Sea – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/09/17/watch-vision-of-tsunami-in-east-coast-florida-new-jersey-underwater-bill-larkin-on-youtube/ ________________________________________ High Watch Times Nov 10th – Abomination of Desolation related to Daniel 9 & Jeremiah 52 Study by Leeland Jones – https://liveactioneating.com/2021/11/02/jeremiah-52-key-to-daniel-9-dont-speak-news-by-leeland-jones/ Nov 14th – Laudato Si (7 Year Covenant with Many to Begin) Nov 18th-19th (Kislev 15) – when the Blood Moon occurs and the Abomination of Desolation according to the Book of Maccabees in 168 BCE. 10 Days is referenced when the actual event took place in those days when Antiochus Epiphanes erected a Statue of zeus, but put his own face in it, then 10 days later he offered a pig as a sacrifice in the altar, then placed the Blood in the Holy Temple of Israel and poured it over the Torah Scrolls and converted the Temple to a shrine of zeus. Nov 21st – 17 Kislev (1947) – The United Nations General Assembly approves a plan for the partition of Palestine, which eventually led to the creation of the State of Israel. Nov 23rd – Fibonacci Day (La Palma shown in I PET GOAT with Psalm 23 on the Wall + Math Equation of F = -F on Chalkboard) 11/23 = 1 + 1+ 2 + 3 (Fibonacci Math) Nov 26th – 7 Day Marker from Nov 19th Eclipse- 1 Kings 8:65 At that time Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great assembly from the entrance of Hamath to the Brook of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven days and seven more days—fourteen days. Nov 29th (Kislev 25) – This is 10 days from Nov 19th, brings us to Nov 29th, which is 4 years from the True Birth of Israel. Nov 29th, 1947 and the Parable of the Fig Tree. Dec 1st (Kislev 27) – Forty days of rain end; begin 150 days of water’s swelling and churning, during which the water reaches a height of 15 cubits above the mountain peaks. Dec 3rd/4th - 14 Day Marker from Nov 19th Eclipse - 1 Kings 8:65 At that time Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great assembly from the entrance of Hamath to the Brook of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven days and seven more days—fourteen days. Dec 5th-6th – 8th Day of Hanukkah related to 1 Kings 8:65-66 and the 14 Days between the Blood Moons of Nov 19th-Dec 5th (Gen 8:5 – Tops of Mountain Seen – Noah Story) Dec 7th -8th – 8th Day of Hanukkah (Torah Calendar). Ezekiel 1:1 on the 8th/9th - Ezekiel’s Vision of God 1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the River Chebar, that the heavens were opened and I saw visions[a] of God. Dec 14th – (Tevet 10) – Esther appears before Achashverosh for the first time and is chosen by him to be the Queen Dec 21st – Winter begins in Israel May 1st/2nd, 2022 – 150 Days from Kislev 27 (Iyar 0) New Moon – Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Iyyar ________________________________________ Sabbath of the Blood Moon (Nov 19th-20th) – Parshat Vayishlach https://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/3197/jewish/Vayishlach-in-a-Nutshell.htm Parashah #10 Scripture Readings Mi-Ketz (At the End Of) TorahGenesis 41:1-44:17 Haftarahs1 Kings 3:15-4:1 Brit ChadashahActs 7:9-16 Miketz in a Nutshell Genesis 41:1–44:17 Joseph’s imprisonment finally ends when Pharaoh dreams of seven fat cows that are swallowed up by seven lean cows, and of seven fat ears of grain swallowed by seven lean ears. Joseph interprets the dreams to mean that seven years of plenty will be followed by seven years of hunger, and advises Pharaoh to store grain during the plentiful years. Pharaoh appoints Joseph governor of Egypt. Joseph marries Asenath, daughter of Potiphar, and they have two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. ________________________________________ Prepare for the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! Please repent, carry your cross daily and accept the free gift of Jesus Christ’s Death on the Cross for payment for your sins.

Uploaded 2021-12-06T11:30:02.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Iggy Bassi on Sky News Daily Climate Show - Building Resilience in Cities by Cervest

Iggy Bassi on Sky News Daily Climate Show - Building Resilience in Cities by Cervest


Iggy Bassi was featured on Sky News Daily Climate Show to discuss how Climate Intelligence can help cities build essential resilience to adapt with climate change... Read more at https://cervest.earth/news/resilient-cities

Uploaded 2021-12-06T11:04:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

NEWS_061221_1100 by Sport Extra

NEWS_061221_1100 by Sport Extra


Uploaded 2021-12-06T08:20:07.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Cebolla News by El Nuevo Diario

Cebolla News by El Nuevo Diario


Uploaded 2021-12-06T10:55:33.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

More Top Networks Required Global For Unlimited Money Every Week! by Gary Johnston

More Top Networks Required Global For Unlimited Money Every Week! by Gary Johnston


�Do Not Let This Go!� �Millionaires Are Born Here Global� �Unlimited Money Every Week!!� Join Free or Upgrade For Serious Members! With No Monthly Fees! Massive +13 Million Members Global In Our EcoSystem With Cryptocurrency And Networking! All Welcome! http://bit.ly/Wealth4UAll #WorkFromHome #Networking #cryptocurrency #Leadership #Wealth #Millionaires #Crypto #News #Education #Business #Asia #Europe #USA #Canada #UK #Money #Google #Global #Love

Uploaded 2021-12-06T10:54:09.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Want Unlimited Money Every Week And You Can Network Global by Gary Johnston

Want Unlimited Money Every Week And You Can Network Global by Gary Johnston


�Do Not Let This Go!� �Millionaires Are Born Here Global� �Unlimited Money Every Week!!� Join Free or Upgrade For Serious Members! With No Monthly Fees! Massive +13 Million Members Global In Our EcoSystem With Cryptocurrency And Networking! All Welcome! http://bit.ly/OneMoney4u #WorkFromHome #Networking #cryptocurrency #Leadership #Wealth #Millionaires #Crypto #News #Education #Business #Asia #Europe #USA #Canada #UK #Money #Google #Global #Love

Uploaded 2021-12-06T10:51:33.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Foxel's-News_Ep.1._Foxel_stellt_sich_vor_Vimeo.mp4 by Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg

Foxel's-News_Ep.1._Foxel_stellt_sich_vor_Vimeo.mp4 by Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg


Uploaded 2021-12-06T10:47:00.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

CARSON WELCH Jazz Drum Cover - I Got the News by Steely Dan.mp4 by Janice Butts

CARSON WELCH Jazz Drum Cover - I Got the News by Steely Dan.mp4 by Janice Butts


Uploaded 2021-12-06T10:24:49.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Film7_fake_news_SoMe by Batavia Media

Film7_fake_news_SoMe by Batavia Media


Uploaded 2021-12-06T09:50:27.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield