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Man avoids rain puddle by pressing button and summoning his Tesla

To avoid a rather sizable puddle of rainwater, a Reddit user employed a helpful piece of Tesla technology, the "Summon" feature....

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Saturday 24 October 2020

October 25, 2020 Worship Service by First Congregational Church SJ

October 25, 2020 Worship Service by First Congregational Church SJ


“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” ~Barack Obama PRELUDE In Verdant Pastures by Robert J. Powell ©2014 Lorenz Publishing Company GREETING Nancy Lucid PSALM 1 Ellen Cook Happiness comes to those who reject the paths of violence, who refuse to associate with the abusive and those who belittle others. Happiness comes to those who delight in God’s Law and meditate on it day and night. For they are like trees planted by flowing water They bear fruit in every season and their leaves never wither. Everything they do will prosper. OPENING PRAYER SPECIAL MUSIC Good Enough © 2020 Lea Morris all publishing rights reserved. Permission given to UCC Congregations to stream online. INTRO SCRIPTURE Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Nancy Lucid SERMON HYMN #434 Today We All Are Called to Be Disciples vs, 1, 3, & 4 With Gwen and Terry Duffy Today we all are called to be disciples of the Lord, To help to set the captive free, make plowshare out of sword, To feed the hungry, quench their thirst, make love and peace our fast, To serve the poor and homeless first, our ease and comfort last. Pray justice may come rolling down as in a might stream, With righteousness in field and town to cleanse us and redeem. For God is longing to restore an earth where conflicts cease, A world that was created for a harmony of peace. May we in service to our God act out the living Word, And walk the road the saints have trod till all have seen and heard. As stewards of the earth may we give thinks in one accord To God who calls us all to be disciples of the Lord. PRAYER MUSIC Listen to the Lambs Spiritual/arr. by Adophus Hailstork ©2003 Concordia Publishing House PASTORAL PRAYERS QUESTION & BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Praise to God arr. by James Pethel ©2018 Lorenz Publishing Company

Uploaded 2020-10-24T23:41:45.000Z Wakefield TV Installers

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