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Tuesday 26 January 2021

Educational Strategies for Low-Impact Climbing by Access Fund

Educational Strategies for Low-Impact Climbing by Access Fund


Worldwide climbing is seeing an unprecedented surge in popularity. Climbing gyms are booming, and our sport is poised for an Olympic leap in popularity. Are our outdoor climbing areas doomed? Although it’s true outdoor climbing areas are feeling the pressure, the good news is that focused and creative climbing organizations are embracing the challenge with innovative educational approaches. Their aim is to shape climbing use and behavior for the better, by educating and promoting low-impact climbing behaviors. Our panelists will share their approaches to this problem and highlight their own climber-aimed educational campaigns. As we will see, almost any issue can benefit from an inventive educational strategy, whether it’s bad dogs, terrible parking, tick marks, preservation of plants and wildlife, COVID-19, or that nasty one nobody can escape: poop. While climbing use and behavior can determine the fate of our climbing areas, these examples show how education can put that fate in our hands. This is a great session for organizations thinking about mounting a campaign, as well as climbers who recognize the problem and want to be a part of the solution by setting a better example. Moderator: Briana Blanchard, Board of Directors Member, Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition Speakers: -Maura LaRiviere, President, Bay Area Climbers Coalition -Kim Harrison, Community Ambassador, Bay Area Climbers Coalition -Dave Turnbull, CEO, British Mountaineering Council -Leslie Timms, Founder, Rock Respect

Uploaded 2021-01-27T00:32:02.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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