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Man avoids rain puddle by pressing button and summoning his Tesla

To avoid a rather sizable puddle of rainwater, a Reddit user employed a helpful piece of Tesla technology, the "Summon" feature....

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Thursday 7 January 2021




We are encouraging Christians to help distribute these VERY EFFECTIVE witnessing resources in their communities as well as the Jesus Did It! Best News Gospel flyers. Doing so is so pleasing to the Lord that He will impart JOY to you that you may be missing out on as a believer. Christianity can become quite mundane and actually boring if we aren’t sowing HOPE and JOY and the WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE into the lives of OTHERS. Thus in our efforts to help equip Christians to become more effective witnesses, for a donation of $10 or more to Precious Testimonies, we’ll send you a copy of this wonderfully encouraging testimony book to examine, be encouraged by, and pass along to someone else. PEOPLE ARE SEARCHING FOR HOPE AND ENCOURAGEMENT, AND THIS TESTIMONY BOOK OFFERS SOME OF THE VERY BEST TO THEM! IT CLEARLY POINTS THE READER TO THE SOURCE OF ETERNAL HOPE AND ENCOURAGEMENT AND ETERNAL LIFE HIMSELF - JESUS! (Unfortunately - we are making available this witnessing resource available for people in the U.S. ONLY, due to extremely high postage mailing costs outside of the U. S.). This Jesus glorifying book is available in both English and Spanish. Be sure to let us know WHICH translation you prefer when you order. You can use our convenient PayPal service at the bottom of this page to place your order. For a donation of $50 or more to Precious Testimonies, we’ll send you a whole CASE of 72 copies of this awesome testimony book so you can distribute them in your community. perhaps putting them in ONE LOCATION where people can find them -- perhaps putting them in ONE LOCATION where people can find them. Think of it ... 72 potential lost souls won to Jesus because you CARED! (Then these 72 redeemed souls helping win 72 MORE lost souls. The potential is ENDLESS!). Regarding ONE location: We encourage folks to prayerfully consider finding a grocery store in their city where the books can be placed near the entrance of the store – where the books can easily be seen. Most bigger food store chains won’t allow it, but the privately owned stores often will. Restaurants are also a good location. Also be advised that we insert a JESUS DID IT! Best News Gospel Flyer in each book people order. With one copy of the flyer, people can make copies from it and have UNLIMITED copies to distribute wherever the Lord leads them. From time to time we have people contact us who want to distribute these testimony books and flyers, but can't afford the full $50 donation. For various reasons, (usually old age; disability issues) some people can't distribute books that easily, but would like to HELP others do so. Be encouraged to donate to this very cause -- specifying that your donation is to be used strictly for TESTIMONY BOOK DISTRIBUTION. To order and donate by credit card, simply click on the following link and go to the bottom of the link page: https://www.precious-testimonies.com/testimonies/real-life-stories-testimony-books. You can also order a copy of the book or a case by sending a donation to our mailing address: PRECIOUS TESTIMONIES, P.O. Box 516, Jenison, Michigan 49429 Be greatly encouraged to subscribe to the JESUS TESTIMONY BOOKS Praise Reports YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/reallifestories1) so you can STAY encouraged to be the most effective soul winning witness you can be, plus don’t miss hearing recent updates on how God is using these books mightily in the lives of others. Be also encouraged to click on the Real Life Stories Testimony Books website, to see all the RLSB’s offered, and specials that are given from time to time: https://www.reallifestoriesbooks.com/

Uploaded 2021-01-07T22:31:29.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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