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Saturday 29 May 2021

Family Communication by Forest Park Church of Christ

Family Communication by Forest Park Church of Christ


In June of 2013 news broadcasts across the country featured a little boy named Grayson Clamp doing something he had never done before. The three-year-old was born without the auditory nerves that carry sound to the brain. Attempts to restore his hearing with a cochlear implant were unsuccessful, so doctors at the University of North Carolina tried an experimental procedure to implant an auditory nerve directly into Grayson’s brain. This procedure proved successful, and millions of people enjoyed seeing the look of wonder and joy on the little boy’s face when he heard his father’s voice for the first time. Today we live in a world of instant communication, and yet we are told that meaningful conversation has never been more difficult to accomplish. For one we are forced to wade through an enormous amount of meaningless communication, of the 107 trillion emails send in a year it is estimated that 89.1% of them are spam. We face a mountain of misinformation, poorly presented information and too many opinions for anyone to take in. The power of a successfully communicated thought, from one human mind to another, is one of the greatest forces we know. But like the tango, it takes two to communicate. You can communicate a thought, but your thought may not be understood. In some cases, your thought may not even reach the proper target. Not to mention the fact, as Bernard Shaw put it, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” This Sunday we’re going to take a look at the Biblical guidelines for communication, and how the master communicator illustrates what great communication looks like for all of us!

Uploaded 2021-05-30T00:46:29.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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