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Sunday 18 July 2021

Canadian Daniel Dumbrill recent visits to Xinjiang discussed Myths & Facts about genocide by Johnson Matthew Choi

Canadian Daniel Dumbrill recent visits to Xinjiang discussed Myths & Facts about genocide by Johnson Matthew Choi


Canadian Daniel Dumbrill recent visits to Xinjiang discussed Myths & Facts about genocide: What’s happening in Xinjiang, China? 加拿大人 Daniel Dumbrill 最近訪問了新疆,討論了關於種族滅絕的神話與事實:中國新疆發生了什麼? Daniel lives in China, those who claimed do not know China could listen to Daniel and dozens of other AngloSaxon from US, Canada, UK, Germany and etc lives, breath and enjoying freedom, democracy, human rights and rules of law in China, debunk fake news from Western Empires who took a racist attitude and death wishes on China and Chinese including racial attacks and racial profiling against their own ethnic Chinese citizens. 丹尼爾住在中國,那些聲稱不了解中國的人可以聽丹尼爾和其他幾十個來自美國、加拿大、英國、德國等地的西人(盎格魯撒克遜人)在中國生活,呼吸和享受中國的自由、民主、人權和法治,揭穿來自西方帝國的假新聞對中國和中國人採取了種族主義態度和死亡願望, 包括種族歧視,攻擊和針對他們自己國內的華裔公民.

Uploaded 2021-07-18T13:00:35.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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