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Man avoids rain puddle by pressing button and summoning his Tesla

To avoid a rather sizable puddle of rainwater, a Reddit user employed a helpful piece of Tesla technology, the "Summon" feature....

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Thursday, 31 December 2020

THE BEST IS YET TO COME President Trump NEW YEARS EVE message ! RTN News by Reveal TV Network

THE BEST IS YET TO COME President Trump NEW YEARS EVE message ! RTN News by Reveal TV Network


Watch RTN News on ROKU by visiting the Channel Store or by using the code RTNEWSROKU ____________________________________________________________ Like & Subscribe to this Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/revealtvnetwork Subscribe to us on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-419547 ____________________________________________________________ Donate to support our Team CashApp: $RevealTVNetwork ____________________________________________________________ MUST WATCH VIDEOS Georgia on Fire, New Voter Fraud Video Surfaced, Trump Winning BIG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73IK4jUtV9M Dominion EXPOSED Forensic Audit SHOCKING Results, FRAUD Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd5xTdDt-rI&t=224s Video Evidence Georgia Poll Workers Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ2GGhiqe3g SYDNEY POWELL - Bags of Shredded Ballots, Update on Lawsuits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAlEGx01pDc ______________________________________________________________________ Watch RTN News on ROKU by visiting the Channel Store or by using the code RTNEWSROKU ______________________________________________________________________ Watch Reveal TV Network here: www.revealtv.net ______________________________________________________________________ 24/7 Christian TV 100% Free Live Stream Follow us: Facebook.com/RevealTVNetwork Instagram.com/RevealTVNetwork Twitter.com/RevealTVNetwork Vimeo.com/RevealTVNetwork WATCH REVEAL TV NETWORK ON ROKU Get The Roku App here: https://www.revealtv.net/roku Regions: United States. Category: Faith-Based Add it by visiting the Official Roku Channel Store or by using this direct code: RTNPZP.

Uploaded 2021-01-01T02:09:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Nune Aka Mr. Propane - Black Man (feat. K-Rino) Official Music Video by Nune Mr. Propane

Nune Aka Mr. Propane - Black Man (feat. K-Rino) Official Music Video by Nune Mr. Propane


"WARNING" Some scenes contain flashes which may cause Seizures in Some People!! Order the Debut Album "Intervention" https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/nuneakamrpropane/intervention Official Website - www.mrpropane.net Soundcloud.com/nune_mrpropane Sports/Film Sync Opportunities are welcomed! Twitter - @nune_mrpropane Follow & Share Produced by Jan Branicki (DreamLife) TV sync Licensing Available at http://www.mrpropane.net All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and neither I nor this channel claim any right over them. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. If any portion of this video belongs to you and you require credit please let me know. I will take down at the request of any copyright owners! This video is not monetized and is only to deliver a message! CREDIT: Subscribe Button by MrNumber112 https://youtu.be/Fps5vWgKdl0 CREDIT: Snapp ft. K-Rino Deth Season https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c53H-IPU02k. #rap #hiphop #music #rapper #trap #beats #rapmusic #artist #love #producer #newmusic #hiphopmusic #freestyle #rappers #soundcloud #art #explorepage #spotify #follow #youtube #dj #like #christianhiphop #rnb #hiphopculture #christianrap #beat #musicproducer #musician #love

Uploaded 2021-01-01T02:04:54.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Breaking News | Reports coming up soon by eTurboNews | Livestream.travel

Breaking News | Reports coming up soon by eTurboNews | Livestream.travel


Stay tuned for upcoming reports

Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:58:29.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

"Nazis unerwünscht!" - 250 Bürger demonstrieren gegen die NPD by MK

"Nazis unerwünscht!" - 250 Bürger demonstrieren gegen die NPD by MK


BAD HERSFELD - Große Aufregung in der Festspielstadt Bad Hersfeld. Die Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) hält dort am heutigen Samstag eine Kundgebung ab. Nur 15 Rechtsradikale waren gekommen. Die Polizei ist mit einem Großaufgebot vor Ort. Die Gegendemonstration läuft parallel mit vielen Aktionen. Bis zu 250 Menschen - darunter zahlreiche Gewerkschafter und Politiker etwa von CDU, SPD, FDP und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen - sind nach Angaben der Veranstalter auf der Straße. Nazis unerwünscht oder Bad Hersfeld ist bunt steht auf Plakaten und Transparenten. Eine große Zahl der Demonstranten beteiligt sich auch an der Aktion Deine Hand gegen Rassismus. Magistrat, Stadtverwaltung und Ausländerbeirat unterstützen diesen Aufruf. Pressesprecher Christian Mayer sagte zu osthessen-news.de: Die Stadt hat sich Toleranz auf die Fahnen geschrieben.     Veröffentlicht am 14.09.2013

Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:55:17.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Last News 2020 by Luis Alberto Padilla

Last News 2020 by Luis Alberto Padilla


Monthly newsletter

Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:46:39.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

DAN News by Ask Media

DAN News by Ask Media


Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:27:05.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Deaths of all my Favorite Heroes (Tribute to James) by ShadowMercer98

Deaths of all my Favorite Heroes (Tribute to James) by ShadowMercer98


May you Rest in Peace James, you will always be my best friend, and I'll miss you, my old friend. Link to his channel: "My armor, it was never a distraction or a hobby, it was a cocoon. And now, I'm a changed man. You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys. But one thing you can't take away... I am Iron Man. Please comment, rate, and subscribe. (I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended.) Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:15:43.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

President Trump is LIVID that Melania Didn’t Get this Praise as First Lady Like Michelle Did by Gary Franchi

President Trump is LIVID that Melania Didn’t Get this Praise as First Lady Like Michelle Did by Gary Franchi


Stay Up To Date On Financial News! to the Noble Gold YouTube Channel At The Link Above ^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Political Insider reports, President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Friday to fume that his wife Melania has not been featured on one magazine cover as First Lady. This is in direct contrast to her predecessor Michelle Obama, who was featured on twelve covers as First Lady.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:21:46.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

NewJC Live by New Jerusalem Cathedral

NewJC Live by New Jerusalem Cathedral


NewJC Live Senior Pastor Bishop Dr. Kevin A. Williams New Jerusalem Cathedral & Monument of Praise Worship with us LIVE #AtHomeWithNewJC Date of Service -- 2020 (Time) Join us for service every Sunday at 7am | 11am | 6pm, Mondays at 7pm and Thursdays at 7:30pm (EST). Sign up today for The #NewJC Nation https://forms.gle/bGiBUwyrJYB72j369 _ Text “NEWJC” to (855) 810-1822 to receive weekly text messages from Pastor and Special News for NewJC _ If you received Christ through this message, email deacons@newjc.org _ We would love to hear how God has changed your life through this ministry. Share your testimony by emailing testify@newjc.org _ If you would like to financially support MOPraise you can give via monumentofpraise.org/give Cashapp - $monumentofpraise If you would like to financially support NEWJC you can give via the NEWJC App, our website at newjc.org/give Cashapp - $NewJC and the Givelify App: Search for “New Jerusalem Cathedral” _ You can also give your Terumah/Priest Offering via Cashapp - $DrKevinAWilliams or Zelle - drkevinawilliams@gmail.com _ If you need prayer, email prayer@newjc.org _ To become a member visit newjc.org/join #DrKAW #DrKevinAWilliams

Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:18:29.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Breaking Live | Stock Motion Graphics - Motion Array by After Effects Project

Breaking Live | Stock Motion Graphics - Motion Array by After Effects Project


Download Breaking Live - https://motionarray.com/stock-motion-graphics/breaking-live-327257?ref=romankorzhimanov1 Item details This stock motion graphics video shows two dynamic news intros that read "BREAKING LIVE "and "BREAKING NEWS" H.264 1920x1080 (HD) 60 FPS Need to test this clip with your project? Download the preview H.264 1920x1080 (HD) 60 FPS Breaking,Live,architect9,H.264,1920x1080,(HD),60,FPS,Stock,Motion,Graphics There is none directly downloadable links in this Channel All the links are refered to official website. This Channel only indexs the products and links. The products information and the links are only used to spread them. Our Channel makes the products seen by more customers. Everyday there is new buyers reaching to official page from our channel If you do not want your products listing in our Channel , or want to delete them, please let us know. We will take them down as soon as possiable. Feel free to contact us http://aecustomization.mozello.ru .

Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:05:52.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

FERRARI-VIRUS in der Domstadt - 100 Luxus-Schlitten auf Spritztour durch die Rhön - "Das war einfach spitze" by MK

FERRARI-VIRUS in der Domstadt - 100 Luxus-Schlitten auf Spritztour durch die Rhön - "Das war einfach spitze" by MK


  REGION - Fast 100 Flitzer der italienischen Nobelmarke Ferrari haben Fulda erobert. In der Domstadt, der Rhön und dem südlichen Kreis Fulda dominierte am Samstag die Farbe rot. Die rund 200 Kilometer lange Panoramafahrt bildete den Höhepunkt des mittlerweile schon zehnten Ferrari-Treffens, dem größten dieser Art in der gesamten Bundesrepublik. Die Teilnehmer kamen aus Deutschland, Österreich, Belgien und der Schweiz. Veranstalter ist das Hotel- und Kongresszentrum Esperanto. Manager Martin Gremm erklärte im Gespräch mit OSTHESSEN|NEWS: Das war einfach spitze - ein Highlight im Jubiläumsjahr.   Veröffentlicht am 11.07.2015

Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:05:19.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield




Uploaded 2021-01-01T01:01:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Happy New year greetings from Dr Afshan Hashmi by Afshan Hashmi

Happy New year greetings from Dr Afshan Hashmi by Afshan Hashmi


Hello Everyone, In this video I gave all my fans and readers listeners and viewers Happy New year 2021 greetings! Cheers! Dr.Afshan Hashmi www.afshanhashmi.com www.drafshanhashmi.com http//:www.drafshanhashmisradio.com Happy New year 2021 - new year 2021 fireworks � happy new year 2021 � happy new year music 2021. happy new year music 2021 � new year 2021 fireworks � happy new year songs 2021. happy new year 2021 � happy new year music 2021 � best happy new year songs playlist 2021. happy new year music 2021 � new year 2021 fireworks � happy new year songs 2021.. happy new year new year song happy new year 2021 top new year songs new year (holiday) 2021 best happy new year best happy new year songs best happy new year songs 2021 top new year songs top new year songs of all time happy new year songs 2021 happy new year 2021 song christmas 2020. opm love songs happy new year new year song happy new year 2021 top new year songs new year (holiday) 2020 best happy new year 2021 best happy new year songs best happy new year songs 2021 top new year songs top new year songs of all time happy new year songs 2021 happy new year 2021 song abba 2021 christmas songs christmas songs 2021 happy new year songs bonne année felice anno nuovo happy new year new year songs songs happy new year happy new year song. happy new year! these top new year songs 2021 are a perfect way to celebrate the new year with.

Uploaded 2021-01-01T00:41:46.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Happy New Year! The Sarah Files 2021 ecard by The Sarah Files

Happy New Year! The Sarah Files 2021 ecard by The Sarah Files


"The Sarah Files" is a Sarah Brightman fanpage. This is a series of FANMADE content. Not endorsed nor sponsored by the artist, the producers or the record label. No profit or self-promotion is being made. Subscribe & Follow us on social media to stay updated on our upcoming webisodes! YouTube http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLrPjws_zHlXw8YmOgyDKpA Facebook http://www.facebook.com/theSarahFiles Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the_sarah_files/ Twitter http://twitter.com/thesarahfilesok Tumblr http://thesarahfiles.tumblr.com/ Vimeo http://vimeo.com/thesarahfiles deviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/thesarahfiles For official news and updates visit www.sarahbrightman.com

Uploaded 2021-01-01T00:39:14.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

AA EP 138 by Austin Gehrke

AA EP 138 by Austin Gehrke


CFB bowl game and playoff picks NFL week 17 picks NBA news and games to watch and CBB games to watch. Happy New Year everybody.

Uploaded 2021-01-01T00:27:15.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Kamala Harris INSTANTLY Called Out for Her Latest Pandering Shenanigans by Gary Franchi

Kamala Harris INSTANTLY Called Out for Her Latest Pandering Shenanigans by Gary Franchi


Enjoy The Healthy Aging Support of Collagenhttp://healthwithgary.comThis is my FAV trusted source ^^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Lachance from American Lookout reports, Kamala Harris has put out a new video in which she talks about her family celebrating Kwanzaa since her childhood. It seems like an awful lot of pandering, but it’s also a little confusing, given her background.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2021-01-01T00:20:51.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

20 Jahre Mauerfall-Hochrangiges Mediengespräch auf Point Alpha by MK

20 Jahre Mauerfall-Hochrangiges Mediengespräch auf Point Alpha by MK


POINT ALPHA - Treibende Kraft oder bloßes Abbild - Welche Rolle spielten die Medien in der Zeit der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands? Diese Frage stellten am Mittwoch die Hessische Landesanstalt für privaten Rundfunk und neue Medien (LPR) und die Thüringische Landesmedienanstalt (TLM) während eines Symposiums. Journalisten, Wissenschaftler und Politiker - unter ihnen auch Thüringens ehemaliger Ministerpräsident Bernhard Vogel - erinnerten sich an die historischen Ereignisse. In der Gedenkstätte schilderten sie die Stunden des Mauerfalls, vor allem den Schicksalstag 9. November 1989. Erster Nachrichtenüberbringer war für viele Menschen die Tagesschau-Legende Jo Brauner. Während der Sendung war mir die Tragweite gar nicht bewusst, sagte der heute 72-jährige Jornalist, der 30 Jahre Sprecher der Nachrichten-Sendung im Ersten war.  Auch Professor Kurt Morneweg erlebte die Wiedervereinigung als Journalist. Er war Leiter des hr-Studios in Kassel, erstellte etliche Reportagen von der einstigen innerdeutsche Grenze und deren Öffnung und sendete ein Jahr lang die sonntägliche Kasseler Gesprächsrunde. Auch Sergej Lochthofen (Chefredakteur der Thüringer Allgemeinen) sowie Peter Pragal, ehemals DDR-Koresspondent der Süddeutschen Zeitung, sind gefragte Gesprächspartner zum Thema Wiedervereinigung. Im MIttelpunkt stand jedoch diesmal auf Point Alpha der italienische Journalist Riccardo Ehrman. In diesen Tagen wird in der deutschen Presselandschaft intensiv darüber diskutiert, ob Ehrman der Auslöser des Mauerfalls war. Er stellte am 9. November 1989 die Frage nach dem neuen Reisegesetz der DDR. Die Redaktion von osthessen-news hat die interessanten Aussagen des Journalisten vom italienischen Nachrichtensender ANSA gestern auf Point Alpha in einem Extra-Artikel zusammen gefasst (siehe: http://www.osthessen-news.de/beitrag_D.php?id=1165056 ). Doch der Blick der Zeitzeugen umfing auch die heutige Zeit und das, was kommen mag. Professor Dr. Wolfgang Donsbach hatte interessante Studien im Gepäck, die belegen, dass die Gefühlswelt der Menschen im Westen und Osten Unterschiede aufweist. Besonders im Osten seien die Menschen unzufrieden und sehen das westdeutsche Wirtschaftssystem längst nicht mehr so euphorisch wie nach der Grenzöffnung. So gewinne der Sozialismus bei den Ostdeutschen wieder an Sympathie, wie eine brandneue Studie in Sachsen, die unter Leitung von Dosnbach entstand, nachweise. Allerdings leide auch das Wissen über die DDR. Immer mehr Ostdeutsche meinen, dass die DDR zu den führenden Wirtschaftsnationen gehörte, dabei war ihr Land vom Bankrott bedroht. Dies sei auch ein Auslöser für die Wende gewesen. Zudem denken die Ostbürger, sie seien immer noch Bürger 2. Klasse (1990: 74 Prozent, 2009: 70 Prozent). Veröffentlicht am 23.04.2009

Uploaded 2021-01-01T00:15:19.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

EvoGov News December 2020 by John McKown

EvoGov News December 2020 by John McKown


Company News - December 2020

Uploaded 2021-01-01T00:13:22.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

MUST SEE: Rand Paul Goes OFF on Governors Who Used the Health Crisis to their Advantage by Gary Franchi

MUST SEE: Rand Paul Goes OFF on Governors Who Used the Health Crisis to their Advantage by Gary Franchi


Give The Perfect Gift With A Noble Gold Coin Set! Your Coin Set At The Link Above ^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Davis from Trending Politics reports, Sen. Rand Paul is sounding the alarm again over our continuing loss of liberty in the age of the coronavirus, and he’s certainly not wrong. In particular, the Kentucky Republican says Americans should really be pushing back – hard – on governors who have become “dictators” with their lockdowns, restrictions, and mandates, none of which, at this point, have anything at all to do with ‘the science.’Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2021-01-01T00:10:58.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

12-31-20 NewsNet Evening Edition Christina Aguayo by Christina Aguayo

12-31-20 NewsNet Evening Edition Christina Aguayo by Christina Aguayo


Uploaded 2020-12-31T23:33:06.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Baseball's Last Hero The Roberto Clement Story (DVD extras) by Richard Rossi

Baseball's Last Hero The Roberto Clement Story (DVD extras) by Richard Rossi


"BRAVO FORTISSIMO! I'm awed by your talent & ambition on display in ROBERTO CLEMENTE. What you achieved on a shoestring budget defines that much overused word? AMAZING. The narrative structure of economically dramatizing specific chapters of Clemente's life was very creative & effective storytelling. The casting was spot on & the performances poignant & often moving. The scene with the kidnappers is a comic gem. And the spiritual and philosophical debate with the nun on a cornerstone of Christian faith is as telling a dialogue as I have seen on film." (Rick Setlowe, former film editor of Variety, UCLA writing prof, & critic for ShowBiz Bible) "Finally, there is a movie. I hope that many people can see this movie because it adds on to his legacy." (Pirates great Al Oliver) "A testament to grace, power..." (TribLIVE) ***** 5 Stars Out Of 5. "Hits it out of the park!" (VideoViews) "An Olympic high jumper became Clemente in indie film..." (Post Gazette) **** "Director Richard Rossi shows in wonderful detail why Clemente is so in love with Vera (Marilinda Rivera). One of the film's best scenes is when Clemente goes to church to seek guidance from a Sister...The movie is about the terrific performance of Nieto, who captures Clemente's grace & wonderful spirit..." (Christensen Critic) "...the first narrative feature film to be produced on Clemente's life....sets the stage for Clemente's life on the field and off the field... as well as the great love story between Roberto & his fans." (Seamheads) "The film is great for Latinos & part of our history..." (Backstage) "The “21 Clemente Stories” are told using the 21 letters in Roberto Walker Clemente. The first “R” stands for Rookie and the last “E” for earthquake, referring to the Nicaraguan quake the led to Clemente's death on an aid mission in 1972." (Tribune Review) "I commend all those who volunteered hours to produce this film honoring Clemente's accomplishments. It is my hope that this film will inspire viewers for years to come. As Governor, & on behalf of all Pennsylvanians, I extend my gratitude to all those who volunteered & made this film possible. Please accept my best wishes for continued success in the future." (Tom Corbett, Governor of PA.) "Rossi's admiration of Clemente is undiminished." (Catholic News Service) SYNOPSIS Roberto Clemente had baseball's greatest arm & biggest heart. Director Richard Rossi grew up in Pittsburgh, watching Roberto play. Rossi brings his childhood hero back to life in this unauthorized biographical film. Rossi uses unconventional narrative (based on the number 21), compelling storytelling, & revealing details to capture the myth & the man. Two-time Olympian high-jumper Jamie Nieto plays Roberto, & Project Runway Winner Marilinda Rivera plays Vera. The film is a love story showing Roberto's love for family, team, fans, & the poor. Clemente was a work of art. During his career with the Bucs, he won 4 batting titles & led his team to championships in 1960 & 1971, getting a hit in all 14 World Series games in which he played. His magical 3000th hit fulfilled a prophecy & came in his final at-bat. He was not only the greatest right fielder of all time, but a humanitarian. "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." This movie was made on a low budget by volunteers inspired by Clemente to donate time & talent. The film & its reps visit schools to give back to disadvantaged children as Roberto did by showing the film and speaking about Clemente's life. Your gift to aid in this mission is tax-deductible. To donate, email eternalgracechurch@yahoo.com Info: www.facebook.com/clementemovie

Uploaded 2020-12-31T23:23:51.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Baseball's Last Hero: 21 Clemente Stories by Richard Rossi

Baseball's Last Hero: 21 Clemente Stories by Richard Rossi


"BRAVO FORTISSIMO! I'm awed by your talent & ambition on display in ROBERTO CLEMENTE. What you achieved on a shoestring budget defines that much overused word? AMAZING. The narrative structure of economically dramatizing specific chapters of Clemente's life was very creative & effective storytelling. The casting was spot on & the performances poignant & often moving. The scene with the kidnappers is a comic gem. And the spiritual and philosophical debate with the nun on a cornerstone of Christian faith is as telling a dialogue as I have seen on film." (Rick Setlowe, former film editor of Variety, UCLA writing prof, & critic for ShowBiz Bible) "Finally, there is a movie. I hope that many people can see this movie because it adds on to his legacy." (Pirates great Al Oliver) "A testament to grace, power..." (TribLIVE) ***** 5 Stars Out Of 5. "Hits it out of the park!" (VideoViews) "An Olympic high jumper became Clemente in indie film..." (Post Gazette) **** "Director Richard Rossi shows in wonderful detail why Clemente is so in love with Vera (Marilinda Rivera). One of the film's best scenes is when Clemente goes to church to seek guidance from a Sister...The movie is about the terrific performance of Nieto, who captures Clemente's grace & wonderful spirit..." (Christensen Critic) "...the first narrative feature film to be produced on Clemente's life....sets the stage for Clemente's life on the field and off the field... as well as the great love story between Roberto & his fans." (Seamheads) "The film is great for Latinos & part of our history..." (Backstage) "The “21 Clemente Stories” are told using the 21 letters in Roberto Walker Clemente. The first “R” stands for Rookie and the last “E” for earthquake, referring to the Nicaraguan quake the led to Clemente's death on an aid mission in 1972." (Tribune Review) "I commend all those who volunteered hours to produce this film honoring Clemente's accomplishments. It is my hope that this film will inspire viewers for years to come. As Governor, & on behalf of all Pennsylvanians, I extend my gratitude to all those who volunteered & made this film possible. Please accept my best wishes for continued success in the future." (Tom Corbett, Governor of PA.) "Rossi's admiration of Clemente is undiminished." (Catholic News Service) SYNOPSIS Roberto Clemente had baseball's greatest arm & biggest heart. Director Richard Rossi grew up in Pittsburgh, watching Roberto play. Rossi brings his childhood hero back to life in this unauthorized biographical film. Rossi uses unconventional narrative (based on the number 21), compelling storytelling, & revealing details to capture the myth & the man. Two-time Olympian high-jumper Jamie Nieto plays Roberto, & Project Runway Winner Marilinda Rivera plays Vera. The film is a love story showing Roberto's love for family, team, fans, & the poor. Clemente was a work of art. During his career with the Bucs, he won 4 batting titles & led his team to championships in 1960 & 1971, getting a hit in all 14 World Series games in which he played. His magical 3000th hit fulfilled a prophecy & came in his final at-bat. He was not only the greatest right fielder of all time, but a humanitarian. "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." This movie was made on a low budget by volunteers inspired by Clemente to donate time & talent. The film & its reps visit schools to give back to disadvantaged children as Roberto did by showing the film and speaking about Clemente's life. Your gift to aid in this mission is tax-deductible. To donate, email eternalgracechurch@yahoo.com Info: www.facebook.com/clementemovie

Uploaded 2020-12-31T23:15:59.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Kearney Weekly News Recap 12-31-2020 by KMO-TV

Kearney Weekly News Recap 12-31-2020 by KMO-TV


KMO-TV Best Stories of 2020. We covered the Kearney Bulldogs, the Magical Night parade and the #LetThemPlay initiative. This is your weekly news recap from the KMO-TV newsroom. Happy New Year!

Uploaded 2020-12-31T23:06:58.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Fox 2 News: Volunteers Build Playground and Urban Garden by Mitch Albom

Fox 2 News: Volunteers Build Playground and Urban Garden by Mitch Albom


Air Date: June 14, 2016

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:51:14.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

EXPOSED New Voter Theft Caught on Tape in Georgia | RTN News by Reveal TV Network

EXPOSED New Voter Theft Caught on Tape in Georgia | RTN News by Reveal TV Network


Watch RTN News on ROKU by visiting the Channel Store or by using the code RTNEWSROKU ____________________________________________________________ Like & Subscribe to this Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/revealtvnetwork Subscribe to us on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-419547 ____________________________________________________________ Donate to support our Team CashApp: $RevealTVNetwork ____________________________________________________________ MUST WATCH VIDEOS Georgia on Fire, New Voter Fraud Video Surfaced, Trump Winning BIG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73IK4jUtV9M Dominion EXPOSED Forensic Audit SHOCKING Results, FRAUD Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd5xTdDt-rI&t=224s Video Evidence Georgia Poll Workers Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ2GGhiqe3g SYDNEY POWELL - Bags of Shredded Ballots, Update on Lawsuits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAlEGx01pDc ______________________________________________________________________ Watch RTN News on ROKU by visiting the Channel Store or by using the code RTNEWSROKU ______________________________________________________________________ Watch Reveal TV Network here: www.revealtv.net ______________________________________________________________________ 24/7 Christian TV 100% Free Live Stream Follow us: Facebook.com/RevealTVNetwork Instagram.com/RevealTVNetwork Twitter.com/RevealTVNetwork Vimeo.com/RevealTVNetwork WATCH REVEAL TV NETWORK ON ROKU Get The Roku App here: https://www.revealtv.net/roku Regions: United States. Category: Faith-Based Add it by visiting the Official Roku Channel Store or by using this direct code: RTNPZP.

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:40:54.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

12-30-20 NewsNet Midday Edition Christna Aguayo by Christina Aguayo

12-30-20 NewsNet Midday Edition Christna Aguayo by Christina Aguayo


Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:32:13.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

AA EP 137 by Austin Gehrke

AA EP 137 by Austin Gehrke


Cotton Bowl winner CBB and NBA games to watch and lots of NFL news.

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:30:13.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

ABC 7 News: Hockey, the Musical! by Mitch Albom

ABC 7 News: Hockey, the Musical! by Mitch Albom


Mitch Albom sits down to talk about working with his brother Peter on Hockey the Musical and the much-awaited world premiere on Thursday May 19th. Air Date: May 16, 2016

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:24:34.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Fox 2 News: Hockey, the Musical! by Mitch Albom

Fox 2 News: Hockey, the Musical! by Mitch Albom


Producer Mitch Albom and Director Peter Albom on Fox 2's The Nine to talk about growing up, working together today and the upcoming premiere of Hockey, the Musical! Air Date: May 16, 2016

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:24:23.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Alec Baldwin Just Showed His TRUE COLORS and It’s Not Pretty by Gary Franchi

Alec Baldwin Just Showed His TRUE COLORS and It’s Not Pretty by Gary Franchi


Get The Best VPN For 50% Off Today! Click Here! Yourself Anonymous Online By Clicking The Link Above ^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Rugg from Trending Politics reports, In a tweet on Sunday, radical-left actor Alec Baldwin called for violent punishments for President Donald Trump "if he refuses to concede." “Who arrests Trump if he refuses to concede? Who drags him out?” Baldwin asked on his Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation account. The tweet then got extremely violent.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:21:08.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Dan Clark, International Speaker - Sizzle Reel - Compilation Edit by Motormind Editor Sebastian Barr by Motormind Media

Dan Clark, International Speaker - Sizzle Reel - Compilation Edit by Motormind Editor Sebastian Barr by Motormind Media


Dan provided us with a large collection of footage from his years of speaking, authoring and presenting. We met as a team to create a strategy for the edit to show impactful moments in Dan's career. Contact Ali at 385-215-9003 for a complimentary strategy call Motormind Media Motormind Marketing Alliance is a collaboration between Motormind Media and Shelby Marketing Media. Together we have created over 2500 high quality videos for entrepreneurs and businesses over the last 24 months and look forward to creating many more. Our professional team boasts a long history working with Hollywood, Sundance, News, Marketing and Independent film and Commerical Video. We look forward to working with you!

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:06:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Lado Bokuchava Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi SS20 Michael Vanderpool photos #MBFW by Michael Vanderpool

Lado Bokuchava Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi SS20 Michael Vanderpool photos #MBFW by Michael Vanderpool


Lado Bokuchava Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi SS20 Michael Vanderpool photos #MBFW https://www.mbfashionweektbilisi.com/Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi - PLAYLIST https://bit.ly/arttipMichael Vanderpool photos, #MBFW Event Fashion Show Films, Fashion Photography, Runway Highlights.    Designer/Label: Lado Bokuchava Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi S/S 20Photos slideshow & last models fashion walk Michael R Vanderpool, photography, Signature Series photography, Photos between shows -event film on fashion show Location: Tbilisi Concert Hall ~ Tbilisi, nation of Georgia For Information and Entertainment Purposes only. I do not own this music: Sweet Tides ~ Latasha Still Not Rite ~ Noir Et Blanc Vie "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non- profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."  

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:03:13.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Channel 7 News: SAY Detroit Radiothon 2015 Fund Distribution by Mitch Albom

Channel 7 News: SAY Detroit Radiothon 2015 Fund Distribution by Mitch Albom


Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:00:45.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Local 4 News: SAY Detroit Radiothon 2015 Fund Distribution by Mitch Albom

Local 4 News: SAY Detroit Radiothon 2015 Fund Distribution by Mitch Albom


Air Date: March 17, 2016

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:00:42.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Newt Gingrich DEMANDS Americans Receive the Money they Deserve from relief Package by Gary Franchi

Newt Gingrich DEMANDS Americans Receive the Money they Deserve from relief Package by Gary Franchi


Keep Your Savings Safe With A Gold IRAhttp: Gold is Who I Trust ^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Lachance from American Lookout reports, When it comes to the size of stimulus checks, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich agrees with President Trump that the value should be $2,000 and not $600.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:00:34.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Fox 2 News: SAY Detroit Radiothon 2015 Fund Distribution by Mitch Albom

Fox 2 News: SAY Detroit Radiothon 2015 Fund Distribution by Mitch Albom


Uploaded 2020-12-31T00:00:34.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield




10 juil. 2017 http://taranis.news

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:58:26.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Bernie Sanders vs John Cornyn FIGHT over $2000 checks by Reveal TV Network

Bernie Sanders vs John Cornyn FIGHT over $2000 checks by Reveal TV Network


Watch RTN News on ROKU by visiting the Channel Store or by using the code RTNEWSROKU ____________________________________________________________ Like & Subscribe to this Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/revealtvnetwork Subscribe to us on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-419547 ____________________________________________________________ Donate to support our Team CashApp: $RevealTVNetwork ____________________________________________________________ MUST WATCH VIDEOS Georgia on Fire, New Voter Fraud Video Surfaced, Trump Winning BIG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73IK4jUtV9M Dominion EXPOSED Forensic Audit SHOCKING Results, FRAUD Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd5xTdDt-rI&t=224s Video Evidence Georgia Poll Workers Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ2GGhiqe3g SYDNEY POWELL - Bags of Shredded Ballots, Update on Lawsuits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAlEGx01pDc ______________________________________________________________________ Watch RTN News on ROKU by visiting the Channel Store or by using the code RTNEWSROKU ______________________________________________________________________ Watch Reveal TV Network here: www.revealtv.net ______________________________________________________________________ 24/7 Christian TV 100% Free Live Stream Follow us: Facebook.com/RevealTVNetwork Instagram.com/RevealTVNetwork Twitter.com/RevealTVNetwork Vimeo.com/RevealTVNetwork WATCH REVEAL TV NETWORK ON ROKU Get The Roku App here: https://www.revealtv.net/roku Regions: United States. Category: Faith-Based Add it by visiting the Official Roku Channel Store or by using this direct code: RTNPZP.

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:47:14.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Biden’s Latest Promise to Immigrants CONFIRMS His Plan is to Destroy this Country by Gary Franchi

Biden’s Latest Promise to Immigrants CONFIRMS His Plan is to Destroy this Country by Gary Franchi


Enjoy The Healthy Aging Support of Collagenhttp://healthwithgary.comThis is my FAV trusted source ^^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Rosas from Townhall reports, President-elect Joe Biden promised on Monday that, starting on the first day of his administration, he will work to undo the "humanitarian disaster" on the southwest border and undo the restrictions created by the Trump administration.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:40:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Defense officials give COVID-19 vaccine update | RTN News by Reveal TV Network

Defense officials give COVID-19 vaccine update | RTN News by Reveal TV Network


Watch RTN News on ROKU by visiting the Channel Store or by using the code RTNEWSROKU ____________________________________________________________ Like & Subscribe to this Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/revealtvnetwork Subscribe to us on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-419547 ____________________________________________________________ Donate to support our Team CashApp: $RevealTVNetwork ____________________________________________________________ MUST WATCH VIDEOS Georgia on Fire, New Voter Fraud Video Surfaced, Trump Winning BIG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73IK4jUtV9M Dominion EXPOSED Forensic Audit SHOCKING Results, FRAUD Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd5xTdDt-rI&t=224s Video Evidence Georgia Poll Workers Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ2GGhiqe3g SYDNEY POWELL - Bags of Shredded Ballots, Update on Lawsuits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAlEGx01pDc ______________________________________________________________________ Watch RTN News on ROKU by visiting the Channel Store or by using the code RTNEWSROKU ______________________________________________________________________ Watch Reveal TV Network here: www.revealtv.net ______________________________________________________________________ 24/7 Christian TV 100% Free Live Stream Follow us: Facebook.com/RevealTVNetwork Instagram.com/RevealTVNetwork Twitter.com/RevealTVNetwork Vimeo.com/RevealTVNetwork WATCH REVEAL TV NETWORK ON ROKU Get The Roku App here: https://www.revealtv.net/roku Regions: United States. Category: Faith-Based Add it by visiting the Official Roku Channel Store or by using this direct code: RTNPZP.

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:36:52.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Their Plan is OUT! Lefty Reporters AGREE that This is How They Will Cover a Biden Presidency by Gary Franchi

Their Plan is OUT! Lefty Reporters AGREE that This is How They Will Cover a Biden Presidency by Gary Franchi


Get The Best VPN For 50% Off Today! Click Here! Yourself Anonymous Online By Clicking The Link Above ^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Fed Up reports, CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta said that he doesn’t believe the press should try to “whip up the Biden presidency” like they did during President Donald Trump’s tenure. In an Atlantic piece examining the direction the press will go in following the end of Trump’s first term, Acosta admitted that he will not approach a Biden administration with the same fervor.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:30:46.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Mitch Albom Writes 'Ernie' Play by Mitch Albom

Mitch Albom Writes 'Ernie' Play by Mitch Albom


News report on the “Ernie” play from WXYZ-TV/ABC 7 News in Detroit Air date: October 12, 2010.

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:30:36.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

American News HQ - 2013 by Mitch Albom

American News HQ - 2013 by Mitch Albom


Interview with Umma Pemmaraju. Air date: November 16, 2013.

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:30:02.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

The Department of Justice Just Announced a Massive Lawsuit Against Walmart by Gary Franchi

The Department of Justice Just Announced a Massive Lawsuit Against Walmart by Gary Franchi


Get The Only Keto Alternative I Use Here! 51% OFF By Clicking The Link Above^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Jones from the Westerm Journal reports, The Department of Justice on Tuesday announced a massive civil suit filed against Walmart for allegedly contributing to the country’s deadly opioid epidemic.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:29:36.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Great News From LeapZone by LeapZone Strategies

Great News From LeapZone by LeapZone Strategies


Introducing Deidre Tansey, our very own social media and online marketing expert!

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:28:04.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

evolve | 2020 Highlights by Evolve Studios

evolve | 2020 Highlights by Evolve Studios


Highlights... from 2020? The sobering reality and catastrophic events of 2020 have certainly done their best to squelch our joy & sense of accomplishment... and have almost succeeded... almost. COVID changed our world forever... and if that wasn't enough, this past year threw all-kinds-of-crazy, in multiple formats, at humanity. There’s no undo command, no reset button. And the resounding decimating impact of it, the news, the stats, opinion pieces... continue to leave our futures filled with unknowns, doubts, and fears. But there is one thing that did not change. There is one thing that got us through this year... Our passion and our vigor for the work we are called to do; the stories to tell, the content to create. That passion did not waver. Our commitment to our team, our partners, our clients, our community, and the industry as a whole… did not waiver. In that spirit, we're proud and honored to reflect on some of our favorite creative moments of all time... that we had the privilege to work on during the worst year ever. “This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.” ~Toni Morrison, Nobel Prize Winner

Uploaded 2020-12-30T23:19:32.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

VKC - The Good News by Village Church

VKC - The Good News by Village Church


Uploaded 2020-12-30T01:32:50.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Overcome Procrastination by Bible News Prophecy

Overcome Procrastination by Bible News Prophecy


Do you procrastinate a lot? Is this a problem? Could you be missing out on properly living life because of procrastination? What about your spiritual life? Could you be missing out on being part of the the Kingdom of God because of your procrastination? How can you overcome procrastination? Are there secular and biblical tips on how to do that? Dr. Thiel covers many tips and scriptures in this video. A related written article is also available titled "Beating Procrastination" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/doctrine/beating-procrastination/

Uploaded 2020-12-30T01:32:42.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

FOX_8_NEWS by Zach August

FOX_8_NEWS by Zach August


Uploaded 2020-12-30T01:27:31.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

FROHE WEIHNACHTEN - -...mit ATZE: Weihnachtszeit - Kinderzeit - besinnliches VIDEO by MK

FROHE WEIHNACHTEN - -...mit ATZE: Weihnachtszeit - Kinderzeit - besinnliches VIDEO by MK


  FROHE WEIHNACHTEN - Schon im letzten Jahr hatte Hans Karl Schmidt alias Atze (hr-Radio) zu Weihnachten mit einer kleinen weihnachtlichen Einlage überrascht. Und auch an diesem Heiligen Abend kommen die osthessen-tv-Seher in den Genuss eines musikalischen Weihnachtsvideos. Den Titel Wünsche, die in Erfüllung gehen sang Atze schon 1967 in Berlin ein, heute soll er die Weihnachtsgrüße der Redaktion hinaus zu unseren Lesern und Zuschauern tragen. Atzes sonore Stimme geht sofort vom Ohr ins Herz und ist passionierten Radiohörern seit vielen Jahrzehnten ein wohlklingender Begleiter. Zusammen mit der Redaktion und kleinen Sängern des Jugendkathedralchors Fulda hat der 80-Jährige in der heimeligen Kaminlobby des Fuldaer Romantik- Hotel Goldener Karpfen eine Weihnachtsgeschichte inszeniert. Mit dem entstandenen Video wünscht das Team von osthessen-news.de und osthessen-tv.de allen ruhige, gemütliche, besinnliche und frohe Weihnachtsfeiertage!     Wünsche, die in Erfüllung gehen Jetzt brennen die Kerzen wieder, sie leuchten warmen Schein. Und wieder kehrt der Frieden in unsere Herzen ein. Jetzt singen die Kinder Lieder, das Lied der Weihnachtszeit. Der Engel schaut hernieder, bringt Freude weit und breit. Das sind Wünsche, die in Erfüllung gehen. wenn es draußen wieder schneit;  jedes Jahr um diese Zeit. Jetzt fallen die Flocken wieder, weiß ist nun Stadt und Land. Der Engel Chor singt Veröffentlicht am 24.12.2010 #Kultur

Uploaded 2020-12-30T01:15:19.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

10th Anniversary | The Texas Tribune by Luther Himes IV

10th Anniversary | The Texas Tribune by Luther Himes IV


A logo animation to be used across all Texas Tribune content throughout the year of their 10th anniversary as a news organization.

Uploaded 2020-12-30T01:09:57.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Alejandro For Complex News by Alejandro Lopez

Alejandro For Complex News by Alejandro Lopez


Thank you for taking the time to review my application! I can be found as @dyebones on all platforms.

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:42:39.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

"Viel Arbeit vor uns"-Kanzlerin MERKEL drei Stunden an der Basis by MK

"Viel Arbeit vor uns"-Kanzlerin MERKEL drei Stunden an der Basis by MK


ALSFELD - LIVE-TICKER aus Alsfeld von Hans-Hubertus Braune und Laura Hohmann 21:30 Uhr: Das osthessen-news-Team vor Ort Laura Hohmann, Hans-Hubertus Braune, Klaus Dehnhard und Christian P. Stadtfeld verabschieden sich aus der Hessenhalle. Sehen Sie noch in der Nacht und am Dienstag ausführliche Berichte, Bilder und Videobeitrag zum Kanzlerinnenbesuch in der Hessenhalle in Alsfeld. 21:27 Uhr: Drei Stunden lang diskutierte die Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel mit den Delegierten. Es gab über 30 Wortmeldungen. Sie nahm zu allen Themen und Meldungen Stellung. Traditionell ging die CDU-Regionalkonferenz mit der Nationalhymne zu Ende. Merkel eilt nun nach Berlin zurück. Bereits morgen stehen Gespräche mit dem türkischen Miniterpräsidenten auf dem Programm. Am Nachmittag trifft sie sich mit den CDU-Oberbürgermeistern zu weiteren Gesprächen. 21:21 Uhr: Bundeskanzlerin Merkel schließt ihre Rede mit einem Dank für die ehrliche und rege Diskussionsrunde ab. Hessens Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier beendet die Veranstaltung. 21:18 Uhr: Hinsichtlich des Fachkräftemangels zeigt sich Merkel gelassen. Sie spricht sich für eine Ausnutzung des europäischen Potenzials aus und verweist auf die teilweise hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa. 21:05 Uhr: Merkel kündigt einen dauerhaften Rettungsschirm an, mit welchem in Zukunft effizienter mit Staaten, die Liquiditätsprobleme ha Veröffentlicht am 20.09.2011 #Politik

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:40:19.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

MMANUTS MMA Podcast | EP # 503 by GW Networks Inc.

MMANUTS MMA Podcast | EP # 503 by GW Networks Inc.


UFC Recap [5:00] Anthony Pettis in the PFL [5:45] Triple Header Card in Abu Dhabi [7:35] Conor McGregor looking swole [9:00] Dana White’s fun video [11:35] Fun with Tito Ortiz [13:57] UFC on ABC? [17:15] Brutal Headkick KO[18:37] TaeKwonDo match [19:50] Huge weight cut miss [20:45] Kangaroo fight [22:57] Tony Ferguson [24:35] Frank Mir is swole [25:30] Tweet of the week [27:05] #AskTheNuts [29:19] KNOWLEDGE [34:02] #UFC https://mmanuts.com When you use one of our promo codes you are directly supporting our podcast and site. Thanks for your support. Sponsored by: Wild Alaskan Company https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/wild-alaskan-company-promo-code/- $15 Off Wild Alaskan Company Reviews https://mmanuts.com/reviews/wild-alaskan-company-reviews/ Hostgator https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/hostgator-coupon/ 60% Off Shared Hosting for 3 years code MMA60 One Penny Hosting for 1st Month code MMAONECENT Mattress Firm -10% Off code MMANUTS10 Shave Mob - 10% Off code GWNET23 Defense Soap https://mmanuts.com/news/defense-soap-coupon-code-15-off/ 15% off code mmanuts Tech For Less - 5% off code FIT15 Fuji Sports https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/fuji-sports-coupon/ 15% Off code MMANUTS Butcher Box https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/butcher-box-promo-code/ $10 Off + 2 Free Ribeyes CBDistillery https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/the-cbdistillery-coupon/ 16% Off code NUTS16 25% Off $150+ Free Shipping MMANUTS25 Breo Box https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/breo-box-coupon/ $15 Off code NUTS15 LiquidWeb https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/liquidweb-coupon/ $49 off VPS Plans code BINGO49 33% Off VPS Hosting code VPS33OFF 34% Off all plans for 3 months code MMAN34OFF 55% Off hosting for 3 months code FIGHT55 NordVPN https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/nordvpn-coupon/ 77% off the 3 year plan code mmanuts 58% Off the 1 year plan code STRONG1 Smoothie Box https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/smoothie-box-promo-code/ Vapor.com - 10% Off code MMA10 Factor 75 https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/factor-75-promo-code/ $25 Off the first week code FACTORFIT Platejoy - $10 off code MMA10 TireBuyer https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/tirebuyer-coupon/ 7% Off $400 code MMANUTS7 5% off code MMA5 KetoLogic Coupon - 10% Off code MMA10 Watch Shop - 25% Off code MMA25 Freshly https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/freshly-promo-code/ First time users, $40 off 6 meal plan code MIXED40 31% Off the 12 meal plan code MIXED75 $50 off the first 5 weeks code MIXED50 $30 Off the first 2 weeks code MIXED30 Menlo House https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/five-four-club-coupon/ $30 Off the first 2 packages code MMA45FOR2 Magic Spoon https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/magic-spoon-discount-code/ Free Shipping code YWHMAGIC All33 https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/all33-promo-code/ $155 Off code CHAIR20 BetDSI https://mmanuts.com/news/betdsi-mmanuts-promo-code/ $10 Free Roll code MMA100 Barbell Apparel https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/barbell-apparel-coupon/ 10% Off code TACO 10 Foco - 5% off code MMANUTS5 Dreamcloud Sleep https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/dreamcloud-coupon-and-promo-codes/ $200 off any mattress code GWFIT200 Level Sleep https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/level-sleep-coupon/ 10% Off code GWFIT10 Awara Sleep - $200 Off code GWFIT200 or GWFIT300 Nectar Sleep- $100 Off code GWFIT 1771 Living https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/1771-living-coupon/ 15% Off code GWFIT NewAir https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/newair-coupon/ 10% Off $100+ code MMANUTS Nimble https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/nimble-discount-code/ 20% Off code FIT20 Onnit https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/onnit-coupon-code/ 10% Off CBD Choice https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/cbd-choice-coupon/ 15% Off code STRONGCHOICE15 Receptra https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/receptra-coupons/ 20% off code mmanuts Naked CBD https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/naked-cbd-coupon/ 20% off code STRONG20 Life Fitness https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/life-fitness-coupon/ 10% Off code MMA10 Purity Coffee https://mmanuts.com/purity-coffee-coupon/ 15% Off code INGO15 Blendtec https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/blendtec-promo-code/ Gentleman's Box https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/gentlemans-box-coupon-code-and-promo-code/ 20% Off code STRONG20 WebHostingPad https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/webhostingpad-coupon/ 20% Off Hosting code MMAHOST20OFF Crowd Cow https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/crowd-cow-promo-code/ $15 Off code MMA15 IPVanish Coupon - 59% Off any VPN plan Tomahawk Shades - 30% Off code MMASTRONG30 Green Chef - $80 off the first 4 weeks code GW80GC Mountain Primal Meat https://mmanuts.com/promo-codes/mountain-primal-meat-promo-code/ 10% Off All First time purchases code MMANUTS10 Chomps - 15% Off code MMANUTS Organifi - 15% Off code MMA15 Cocoavia - 20% Off Single Month orders code INGO20 Uncle Bud’s Hemp - 20% Off code MMA20 C4 Energy - 20% Off code INGO20 Peatos - 15% Off code MMAN Whipser Bidets - 10% Off code ingo10

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:36:44.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

BLM Co-Founder Releases Video Setting the Record Straight- by Gary Franchi

BLM Co-Founder Releases Video Setting the Record Straight- by Gary Franchi


Give The Perfect Gift With A Noble Gold Coin Set! Your Coin Set At The Link Above ^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Cawood from The Daily Wire reports, A Black Lives Matter leader who once described herself as a “trained” Marxist is attempting to clarify her position, calling the past admission “something I’ve been accused of over the last several months.”Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:33:35.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

No Future for the GOP? – LNTV – WATCH NOW! by Liberty Nation

No Future for the GOP? – LNTV – WATCH NOW! by Liberty Nation


Why are certain members of the GOP no longer wanting President Trump in the White House for four more years? What do Trump supporters make of this? Read articles related to this topic here: https://www.libertynation.com/?s=GOP Click below to subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEuITeHcudwy4HSRBZ2q7Dw?sub_confirmation=1 Visit https://libertynation.com today! The Uprising Podcast: https://www.libertynation.com/ln-podcasts/ The Rabbit Hole Podcast: https://www.libertynation.com/the-rabbit-hole/ LN Radio: https://www.libertynation.com/ln-radio/ LNTV: https://www.libertynation.com/ln-tv/

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:32:25.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

CL News - 29 Dezembro 2020 by Claudio Lessa

CL News - 29 Dezembro 2020 by Claudio Lessa


A taxa de desemprego recua e surpreende o mercado financeiro, o presidente Trump aposta suas últimas fichas no dia 6 de janeiro, a morte de Pierre Cardin, o ícone do prêt-a-porter, e muito mais. //•••//•••//•••// *Colabore com o CL News!* _Ajude o CL News a ser o seu telejornal diário, com todas as informações sobre o Brasil e o mundo de que você precisa para se manter atualizado, com opinião, credibilidade e bom humor!_ Inscreva-se, acione o sininho, dê o seu like! *•PIX – Chave: 61-98347-3357* *•BANCO DO BRASIL* Agência 5977-3 • Conta Poupança 6005-4 • Variação 51 *•CAIXA ECONÔMICA FEDERAL* Agência 2304 • Produto 1288 ou 013 • Conta Poupança 853121664-6 *•ITAÚ* Agência 0919 • Conta Poupança 41250-2 • Complemento 500 *•BRADESCO* Agência 7979 • Conta Poupança 1000097-1 *•NUBANK* Agência 0001 • Conta Corrente 76140333-2 *•SANTANDER* Agência 4289 • Conta Poupança 60013762-6

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:30:12.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Joe Biden Goes FULL Green New Deal Tyrant by Gary Franchi

Joe Biden Goes FULL Green New Deal Tyrant by Gary Franchi


Get The Only Keto Alternative I Use Here! 51% OFF By Clicking The Link Above^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Laila from The Gateway Pundit reports, 78-year-old Joe Biden on Monday delivered remarks from Wilmington, Delaware. Biden trashed President Trump and vowed to unwind Trump’s policies on day one (if he’s sworn into office).Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:11:04.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Farmers Install Tile to Improve Productivity and Environment by sdsoybean

Farmers Install Tile to Improve Productivity and Environment by sdsoybean


More farmers are installing field tile as a way to improve the productivity of their land, but there are also environmental benefits such as decreasing soil erosion. Michelle Rook takes us to the field to help explain. Heartland Consumer Report on KELO-Land News at Five

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:05:36.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

FROHE WEIHNACHTEN - -...mit ATZE: Weihnachtszeit - Kinderzeit - besinnliches VIDEO by MK

FROHE WEIHNACHTEN - -...mit ATZE: Weihnachtszeit - Kinderzeit - besinnliches VIDEO by MK


  FROHE WEIHNACHTEN - Schon im letzten Jahr hatte Hans Karl Schmidt alias Atze (hr-Radio) zu Weihnachten mit einer kleinen weihnachtlichen Einlage überrascht. Und auch an diesem Heiligen Abend kommen die osthessen-tv-Seher in den Genuss eines musikalischen Weihnachtsvideos. Den Titel Wünsche, die in Erfüllung gehen sang Atze schon 1967 in Berlin ein, heute soll er die Weihnachtsgrüße der Redaktion hinaus zu unseren Lesern und Zuschauern tragen. Atzes sonore Stimme geht sofort vom Ohr ins Herz und ist passionierten Radiohörern seit vielen Jahrzehnten ein wohlklingender Begleiter. Zusammen mit der Redaktion und kleinen Sängern des Jugendkathedralchors Fulda hat der 80-Jährige in der heimeligen Kaminlobby des Fuldaer Romantik- Hotel Goldener Karpfen eine Weihnachtsgeschichte inszeniert. Mit dem entstandenen Video wünscht das Team von osthessen-news.de und osthessen-tv.de allen ruhige, gemütliche, besinnliche und frohe Weihnachtsfeiertage!     Wünsche, die in Erfüllung gehen Jetzt brennen die Kerzen wieder, sie leuchten warmen Schein. Und wieder kehrt der Frieden in unsere Herzen ein. Jetzt singen die Kinder Lieder, das Lied der Weihnachtszeit. Der Engel schaut hernieder, bringt Freude weit und breit. Das sind Wünsche, die in Erfüllung gehen. wenn es draußen wieder schneit;  jedes Jahr um diese Zeit. Jetzt fallen die Flocken wieder, weiß ist nun Stadt und Land. Der Engel Chor singt Veröffentlicht am 24.12.2010 #Kultur

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:05:17.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Barack Hit with a HUGE BLOW as Trump DEMOLISHES His Most Admired title by Gary Franchi

Barack Hit with a HUGE BLOW as Trump DEMOLISHES His Most Admired title by Gary Franchi


Keep Your Savings Safe With A Gold IRAhttp: Gold is Who I Trust ^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Weiss from The Political Insider reports President Trump put a halt to former president Barack Obama’s 12-year reign as the most admired man in America, according to a Gallup survey.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:03:10.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

AOC’s Squad Just Got Met with a GOP Counterpart Known as the ‘FREEDOM FORCE’ by Gary Franchi

AOC’s Squad Just Got Met with a GOP Counterpart Known as the ‘FREEDOM FORCE’ by Gary Franchi


Enjoy The Healthy Aging Support of Collagenhttp://healthwithgary.comThis is my FAV trusted source ^^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Political Insider reports, Four incoming Republican members of Congress have teamed up to form the conservative version of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) “Squad” with the intent of taking on socialism and communism.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:02:30.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Michael Cohen Just Went VIRAL for His Promise to Prison Buddies Tony Meatballs and Big Minty by Gary Franchi

Michael Cohen Just Went VIRAL for His Promise to Prison Buddies Tony Meatballs and Big Minty by Gary Franchi


Give The Perfect Gift With A Noble Gold Coin Set! Your Coin Set At The Link Above ^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: Barkoukis from Townhall reports, A clip of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen went viral on Monday night after he did some name dropping while discussing a promise he made to his prison pals. While discussing his recent lawsuit, which argues he deserves early release from home confinement, Cohen said he filed two writs.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:01:35.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

Parents and Students are CHEERING for President Trump’s Latest Executive Order Decision by Gary Franchi

Parents and Students are CHEERING for President Trump’s Latest Executive Order Decision by Gary Franchi


Stay Up To Date On Financial News! to the Noble Gold YouTube Channel At The Link Above ^^^Get more at to Gary's NEW Podcast on YouTube here: to Gary's original YouTube Channel here: to the Next News Youtube Channel here: on our Email list! out Gary's Kid's YouTube channel here: O’Brien from Townhall reports, School closures during the coronavirus pandemic have already had devastating impacts on students and their families across the country. Failing grades, deteriorating health, and financial hardship, to name the most pressing. On Monday, President Trump issued an executive order that will help alleviate some of those new struggles, the Executive Order on Expanding Educational Opportunity Through School Choice.Read More/Source/Credit/FairUse: this to Facebook: This video: THE NETWORK WITH THE LINKS BELOW!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patreon $5/mo: with Paypal: BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSMNext News T-Shirt Shop: Your Kids The Principles of Liberty! the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought andfree-market economics online for just 24 cents a day!Visit: YOUR Online Privacy here: Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF !Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: US ON SOCIAL!--------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.#N3

Uploaded 2020-12-30T00:00:39.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield