Carlsen's Highest FIDE Rating 2889. II Carlsen 2881 vs. Nakamura 2772. R2.2, V. Gashimanov Memorial. by Offbeat Gambits
#MagnusCarlsen #HikaruNakamura #VGashimanovMem source info: / This Channel is dedicated to everything related to chess, rare and offbeat gambit openings, transpositions. chess history, top 10 /facts, Chess Puzzle & Tricks, and "The Best of Philippine Chess!". Carlsen, Magnus (2881) vs. Nakamura, Hikaru (2772) 1-0 Shamkir AZE: Vugar Gashimov Mem 2014: 2014.04.21 1. d4 d52. c4 c63. Nf3 Nf64. e3 Bf55. Nc3 a66. Be2 6. Bd3 Bxd37. Qxd3 e68. O-O Bb49. Bd2 O-O10. Rfd1 a511. a3 Be712. e4 dxe413. Nxe4 Nxe414. Qxe4 Nd7Aronian,L (2830)-Topalov,V (2785) Khanty-Mansiysk 2014 6... h67. Bd3 7. Qb3 Ra78. cxd5 cxd59. Ne5 e610. Bd2 Be711. O-O O-O12. Rfc1 Nfd7Le Quang,L (2702)-Vallejo Pons,F (2706) Tromsø 2013 7... Bxd38. Qxd3 e69. O-O Bb410. Bd2 O-O11. Rfd1 Bxc312. Bxc3 Nbd713. b3 Qe714. Rac1 Rac815. Qe2 Ne416. Bb2Black has almost equalized, but not just yet.16... Rfd8 16... b5 !? 17. Ne1 Nd618. Ba3 f5A commital move. At first sight this looks like a nice Stonewall where the light-squared bishop has been traded already, but it's not that easy. The computer doesn't like it, but the real problems only start later for Black.19. Nd3 Nf620. Bb4 Qc721. Qf3 dxc422. bxc4 Nf723. a4 a524. Be1 b625. Qg3 Qxg326. hxg3 Ra827. f3 Rdb828. Rc2 b529. Nc5 bxc430. Rxc4 Nd5 Nakamura suggested30... e5"White is probably a bit better but I find it hard to believe that this should be anything, any big advantage."31. dxe5 Nxe532. Rcc1 Nd533. e4 fxe434. Nxe4 Nb4and Black has a better version than the game but according to Carlsen White is still slightly better. 31. Bd2 e532. e4 fxe433. Nxe4 Nb6?Nakamura described this as a blunder. "I was hallucinating. Somehow I thought the rook was getting trapped here. (... ) After 33...Nb6 it's just losing." 33... exd434. Rxd4and "with correct play it should still be a draw but of course White has all the chances." (Nakamura) Perhaps33... Rb2was also an option. 34. Rxc6 Nd8 34... exd435. Bf4is a problem and 34... Nxa435. d5also looks good for White. 35. Rg6 Nc436. dxe5 Kh737. Rg4 Nxe538. Rh4This should be a technical win for White, especially in the hands of a world champion.38... Ndf739. Bc3 Rb340. Rd5 Re841. Rf4 Re742. Bxa5 Ng643. Rff5 Nfe544. Rd1 Nc445. Rc1 Nxa546. Rxa5 Ra347. Rcc5Playing for domination.47... Ra2 A nice line is shown by GMs Genna Sosonko and Viorel Iordachescu in the official live video commentary is47... Rd748. Ra8 Ra1+49. Kh2 Rdd1and now, as it turns out, it's Black who gets mated:50. Nf6+ ! gxf651. Rc7+ Ne752. Rxe7+ Kg653. Rg8+ Kf553... Kh554. g4+ Kh455. g3#54. g4+ Kf455. Re4# 48. Kh2 Rd749. Ra6 Ne750. g4 Rb751. Rb5 Rc752. Nc5 Rc653. Rxc6 Nxc654. Rb7 Nd455. Kh3 Kg856. Rb4 Ne257. g5 Ng1+58. Kg3 Ne2+59. Kg4 hxg560. Kxg5 Ng161. Rg4 Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru Nakamura, Vugar Gashimanov Memorial.
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