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To avoid a rather sizable puddle of rainwater, a Reddit user employed a helpful piece of Tesla technology, the "Summon" feature....

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Thursday, 30 May 2019

None of this is Real, Phase #5, Happening, Tijuana, MX - AND - Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, CA, 2018-2019 by Lucas Murgida

None of this is Real, Phase #5, Happening, Tijuana, MX - AND - Grand Central Art Center, Santa Ana, CA, 2018-2019 by Lucas Murgida


For the fifth and final phase of None of this Real I taught participants how to free their wrists when bound with standard zip-ties. Instead of attempting to cut or break the zip-ties, participants learned a different technique that focus’ on “shimming” the sliding mechanism that secures the restraints in a tightened position. Last October, independent curator currently based out of Santa Ana, CA, Maurizzio Hector Pineda, invited me to participate in show he curated in Tijuana, MX for a city wide festival called "Happening". During the 5 hour event, with the help of interpreter, I taught participants this same zip-tie escape technique. As always, the events were free and open to participants of all ages and abilities. Special thanks to Karina Munoz for organizing and facilitating the amazing "Happenings" festival that happens throughout Tijuana each fall. Also, many thanks to Horacio Ortiz Villacorta and Paul Terriquez for providing video and photographic documentation of my performance in Tijuana. Lastly but not leastly, huge thanks to Dino Perez for helping design and illustrate the pictorial description that appears on the front of all the boxes!! https://www.dinoperez.com

Uploaded 2019-05-30T05:09:27.000Z Wakefield TV Installers

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