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Man avoids rain puddle by pressing button and summoning his Tesla

To avoid a rather sizable puddle of rainwater, a Reddit user employed a helpful piece of Tesla technology, the "Summon" feature....

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Saturday, 27 July 2019

Explosive New Discoveries found in Ancient Egyptian Art by Magical Egypt

Explosive New Discoveries found in Ancient Egyptian Art by Magical Egypt


A 5-year research project studying art and architecture in ancient Egypt has uncovered a totally unexpected revelation that strikes at the very foundations of what we believed about the ancient Egyptians. The discovery calls for a radical re-appraisal of both the general intelligence and the degree of scientific sophistication in place in ancient Egypt and in much of the rest of the ancient world. A team of artists a have discovered am unrecognized visual language - a type of visual cipher - ingeniously hidden in the hieroglyphic reliefs, statuary and architectural motifs of ancient Egyptian temples and tombs. The ciphers include an impressive array of highly sophisticated and medically accurate schematics of the human brain and nervous system, with particular emphasis on the biological and neurological systems that give rise to consciousness. Click here to learn more ⬇️ http://www.magicalegypt.com

Uploaded 2019-07-27T22:46:00.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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