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Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Trudeau's Globalism - Trudeau's Hypocrisy by Right Edition

Trudeau's Globalism - Trudeau's Hypocrisy by Right Edition


Majority of illegal migrants to Canada in 2018 are Nigerians with U.S. travel visas Canadian officials in Nigeria are working with the U.S. on developing tools to flag Nigerians applying for U.S. visas who may be at “high risk” of crossing illegally into Canada across the U.S. border. So far this year, the majority of illegal migrants arriving in Canada are Nigerians who have recently been issued U.S. travel visas. “It is apparent that they obtained those visas with the express intent to actually go to Canada,” said Hursh Jaswal, communications director for Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen. https://globalnews.ca/news/4177786/migrants-nigeria-us-travel-visas/ A Globalist is a Globalist is a Globalist: Canada’s Trudeau A nation is a nation only to the degree with which it maintains geographic independence, official language(s) and the values of its historical culture as tap roots to keep the country firmly anchored to bedrock, able to withstand attacks (foreign and domestic). “We are a country where everyone is equal, regardless of our sexual orientation or our sexual identity,” Trudeau, July 1, 2017. The Trudeau Regime has other ideas. Once elected PM, Trudeau wasted no time. His first declaration, “There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada” surely reassured his globalist patrons their efforts were not wasted: Trudeau is out to remake Canada as, in his words, “the first post-national state.” Even the New York Times thought that statement to be seriously radical. https://www.halseynews.com/2017/07/06/globalist-globalist-globalist-canadas-trudeau/ Justin Trudeau: A Traitorous Disgrace The ignominious name of Canada's Prime Minister is "Justine Trudeau." Here is some background information that will show you that Trudeau deserves to be thoroughly shamed. (1) He is a Narcissicist. Like the character Narcissus in Greek mythology, Trudeau loves to look at his "reflection." He is in love with his own appearance. Like many in the Old Testament, he has created a graven image to worship. For Trudeau, that image is a picture of himself. His God is himself and his views https://www.eurocanadian.ca/2017/12/justin-trudeau-traitorous-disgrace.html Called a “Hypocrite,” Justin Trudeau’s Blackface Reveals He’s Two-faced Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may not be a racist, but he is “the biggest hypocrite in Canada,” says a liberal critic of the leader. For sure, the real problem with Trudeau is not that he has worn blackface on multiple occasions, but that he has two faces on all occasions, neither of them good. In this he’s also the perfect poster boy for the “phony…’cancel culture’ left,” as the New York Post puts it. https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/north-america/item/33471-called-a-hypocrite-justin-trudeau-s-blackface-reveals-he-s-two-faced Trudeau Govt Permit 2.8 Million NON-RESIDENTS To Vote In 2019 Election Until Prime Minister Justin Trudeau passed Bill C-76 through Parliament, a Canadian citizen living in another country COULD NOT VOTE if they had lived outside of Canada for more than FIVE YEARS. Say goodbye to this one. PM Trudeau, in his infinite “wisdom,” has kicked open the doors for any ex-pat to vote in the October, 2019 federal election– even if they have not lived in Canada for FIFTY YEARS. Pourquoi? Desperation, for one thing. Trudeau & Co. obviously realize they are tanking in the polls. Another factor is that government believe the majority of ex-pats will vote Liberal. They wouldn’t have made the change if they knew otherwise. As a corollary, the Trudeau government have also ELIMINATED the need for Photo Identification in order to vote in October. This at a time when illegal entry to Canada is at its HIGHEST LEVEL in history. Here we see the way the Trudeau government roll– as in, they will do ANYTHING to win the upcoming federal election. Voter integrity be DAMNED. Indeed, Trudeau’s aspirations are singular: to become a de facto dictator in a country where the ruling government pretend to believe in democracy. https://capforcanada.com/trudeau-govt-permit-2-8-million-non-residents-to-vote-in-2019-2/

Uploaded 2019-09-26T00:04:00.000Z Wakefield TV Installers

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