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Tuesday, 26 May 2020

How to Downsize Properly by 7Q7P

How to Downsize Properly by 7Q7P


How to Downsize your company Properly We work with companies all the time who have to make these hard decisions and in this video our founder Walt is sharing how you can make these hardest decisions, straightforward business decisions. https://7q7p.com Video Transcript Walt Brown - Co Founder of 7 Questions 7 Promises https://7q7p.com Author of The Patient Organization and Death of The Org Chart We have a core belief: Your organization is a fiction, only given meaning and power by those who buy in. Buy in means cultural, structural and operational buy in. It’s what we do. We do in person coaching and run self lead on line learning. So check us out. CEOs | Dr. Kevorkian | Hardest Decision | Coming Squall A. “Walt, you can NOT post that, people will see you as the Dr. Kevorkian of business coaches, that is a terrible idea!!!” (From Anne, my beautiful wife of 30+ years, I always listen to her.) Or B. “Walt, share the Dr. Kevorkian message right now, CEOs need that message and your execution tips!!!” (From “My Sparkers”, the 24 trusted advisors of business owners that I have been meeting with every month for the last 12 years. I met with them Thursday, May 13th, and “share” is what they said.) So, we are going with B, I’m sorry Anne. I believe The Hardest Decision as a CEO / Owner is letting “somebody” go. Let me share why: This is the least informed decision we make, an information black hole that is really hard to fill. Example: no CEO is going to walk up to somebody and say: “Hey, I’m thinking about letting you go, can we make some time for you to help me understand exactly what you are doing every day so I can see who might take over for you when I ask you to leave.” This information gap and the inability to easily fill it causes fear. As humans we tap the brakes when there is uncertainty, we become fearful, head trash fills in, emotions rise and we do not think clearly, this causes us to postpone the Hardest Decision. The fact is, in most organizations, we really do NOT know exactly what our “somebody” is actually accountable for and responsible for. We really do not know exactly what all of their roles and positions are, and deeper, we are not crystal clear what processes they are following what relationships they are carrying… could this be you? Add to this recipe a coming Squall: There is a Squall Line on the horizon, a squall that is going to require CEOs to live the Hardest Decision life. We can look at this squall line in two ways (+) and (-). (+)There will be an opportunity to upgrade our team with people who’s ship will sink during the storm. (-) We need to prepare our own ship for the storm by clearing the decks of somebodys who need to go, that we can not afford to carry through the storm, who will cause our ship to sink. Good news: + and - require the same approach. What can you do right now? How can you fill the information gap to turn the Hardest Decision into a Straightforward Decision? Step 1: Make a list of your Dr. Kevorkian candidates (the somebodys). - Now is a perfect opportunity to reflect and make the most important list of your life. As the Covid 19 Tide goes out we see more clearly than ever who is "bringing it” and who has been “hiding it”/ “mailing it in”. Make your list, loosely prioritize it top to bottom. Step 2: Do a Flower-Power exercise on each of these Dr. K candidates starting near the top of your list. [See steps below: Watch Video Here, See hand out here. ] In normal times, we do Flower-Powers with an individual who we want to help understand exactly what they are doing in order to focus them better, and we include them. But, for now, including the candidate is impossible and it will work just fine. Who to include in the Flower Power exercise for each candidate: Only people who will be left on the ship. If you can find one who is doing the exact thing a Dr. K candidate is doing, that will be a bonus but should not hold you back. A good number is 3 or 4 people who really know what our candidate is doing. When you finish the Flower Power exercises you will have a very good list of the Positions and Roles candidates are filling and from that list you can map the backfill requirements. Knowledge gap erased, the Hardest Decision is now a Straightforward Decision and all that is left is legal and the 36 hours of pain you suffer before the deed is complete. Sorry can not take those two away for you. Prepare for the Squall, protect and strengthen your ship, NOW! Walt

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