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Saturday, 28 November 2020

Workflow Improvements in Ableton Live 11 by Warp Academy

Workflow Improvements in Ableton Live 11 by Warp Academy


Ableton Live 11 has just been announced and is currently in public beta . Among the long list of new goodies in Live 11 are some changes that can significantly impact your production workflow. In this video, Ableton Certified Trainer Ian Gallagher covers the recent additions of Templates and Grooves folders in the Browser, Multiclip Editing, and Linking tracks. All things that can make your music-making experience easier and more inspiring! A good workflow makes good music. At Warp Academy, we believe in building smart strategies as musicians and producers to maximize your time and creative energy. With so many distractions in our world nowadays, it's easier than ever to get bogged down in music production's technical side. But a good workflow saves you time — and more time means more creative energy and better music. Who doesn't want to make better music, right? Like producing with heart? Templates allow you to start creating with a palette of your favorite instruments and effects so that you can jump right to the good stuff. Templates enable you to focus on what's great musically, not what's technically correct. Step up your rhythm game! Grooves have been around for a long time in Ableton Live and are like instant inspiration. But did you know about them? Well, now they have a nice folder in the Browser that you can't miss! Drag Grooves onto your clips to instantly transform your music in shocking ways! Multiclip Editing in Live 11 also just got better. The new Focus button ensures that you can't mess up other clips when editing MIDI (a common issue). And you can adjust the loop length of multiple clips at the same time, which is badass. Finally, you can now Link tracks in Live 11. Linking tracks means that when you edit one clip, you've instantly edited all the other ones too. This is fantastic news for vocal production or audio recordings that used multiple microphones. You can Link MIDI tracks also! Unless you enjoy endless hours of editing, you don't want to miss learning about this feature.

Uploaded 2020-11-29T01:18:27.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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