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Man avoids rain puddle by pressing button and summoning his Tesla

To avoid a rather sizable puddle of rainwater, a Reddit user employed a helpful piece of Tesla technology, the "Summon" feature....

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Saturday, 30 January 2021

Universal Newsreel 1930 - July 27 | HD Stock Footage by Buyout Footage

Universal Newsreel 1930 - July 27 | HD Stock Footage by Buyout Footage


7/27/30 RECORD BROKEN IN MARATHON SWIM AROUND MANHATTAN NEW YORK, N.Y. – Swimmers grease their bodies to keep from getting chilled in the long race in cold water. Contestants are fed from boats which follow along beside them. Sam Shields, of Miami, wins in the record time of 8 hours, 35 minutes POLICE BEGIN WAR TO OUST “BUM’S VILLAGE” NEAR HEART OF CITY CHICAGO, ILL. – Officials claim that ninety per cent of the hoboes, vagabonds and jackrollers who camp on a tract of ground rejected by the government as a Post Office site are from other towns and have taken measures to drive them out. HIGH SOCIETY ACTS AS STYLE SHOW MODELS IN BIG CHARITY AFFAIR EASTHAMPTON, N.Y. – Debutantes and matrons step right out of the social register into a promenade of Fall and Winter fashions with tea gowns and lounging pajamas. Multi-colored booths, tents and umbrella tea tables intrigue visitors. Big sum earned for fund. USE FLOATING ISLAND AS LANDING FIELD FOR PASSENGER PLANES SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. – Amphibian air craft swoop down and then taxi to the float, climbing right out of the water onto it by their own power. “The Button,” as it is called, is 500 feet wide and is moored by anchors and heavy cables. NEWS PARAGRAPHS NEW YORK, N.Y. – Ring for messengerette! Flapper wire-deliverers get try-out in newest field for fair sex. LONDON, ENGLAND – House three feet thick! Erect false residence front to hide unpopular subway tunnel. NEW YORK, N.Y. – Class in glass millinery! Blonde beauty uses transparent chapeau to display golden tresses. COLWYN BAY, ENGLAND – Aerialists defy death! Dizzy stunts feature act staged 100 feet in air. SALOON WAITERS GET HOT FEET AND HOLD ANNUAL TRAY RACE ROME, ITALY – Youngest bar boys chase around the Coliseum with bottles and set of glasses in two kilometer run. Chewing gum trick to keep his wares from slipping fails because of waiter’s flat feet.

Uploaded 2021-01-31T01:34:43.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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