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Man avoids rain puddle by pressing button and summoning his Tesla

To avoid a rather sizable puddle of rainwater, a Reddit user employed a helpful piece of Tesla technology, the "Summon" feature....

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Monday, 29 March 2021

Primeira Página by marila dardot

Primeira Página by marila dardot


Marilá Dardot, 2020 Urban intervention | Animation Intervention in led advertising panels throughout the city of Belo Horizonte,Brazil, through the project “15 seconds” by Inhotim. Primeira página (Front page) follows a series of collages from magazines that I had already started in 2018, now focusing on the front pages of the largest Brazilian newspapers. The words cut out portray the collective forces that move the country's history: those that remain, those that return and those that arise each day. By removing these characters from news contexts and making them explicit as historical subjects, I hope to raise a reflection on their roles in the construction of our society. Trabalho criado para intervir em painéis publicitários de led espalhados pela cidade de Belo Horizonte, através do projeto “15 segundos” de Inhotim. Primeira página dá sequência a uma série de colagens a partir de revistas que eu já havia iniciado em 2018, focando-me agora nas primeiras páginas dos maiores jornais brasileiros. As palavras recortadas retratam as forças coletivas que movem a história do país: aquelas que permanecem, as que retornam e as que surgem a cada dia. Ao retirar esses personagens dos contextos noticiosos e deixá-los explícitos enquanto sujeitos históricos, espero suscitar uma reflexão sobre os seus papéis na construção de nossa sociedade.

Uploaded 2021-03-30T00:39:52.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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