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Man avoids rain puddle by pressing button and summoning his Tesla

To avoid a rather sizable puddle of rainwater, a Reddit user employed a helpful piece of Tesla technology, the "Summon" feature....

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Saturday, 29 May 2021

In the Electromagnetic/data news May 29,2021 by Citizen's Forum

In the Electromagnetic/data news May 29,2021 by Citizen's Forum


1. ANSES 5G report: Phonegate Alert and Robin des Toits denounce in their counter-expertise a position openly favorable to the industrial lobby and which endangers public health! https://www.phonegatealert.org/en/ans... A news release from the "phone gate" people "falsely reassuring communication" of the 5G report 2. Canada launches digital identity strategy the reality of this is the government mandarins are creating a one stop file so they can track the activities of every Canadian it is not about delivering more efficient government unless you believe a Technocrat dictatorship is the best form of government 3. Governments are introducing what can best be described as bad bills to override the peoples concerns about 5 G, the health and environmental costs of 5G and small cells https://smombiegate.org/learn-about-b... LEARN ABOUT BAD 5G WIRELESS BILLS AND HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF SMALL CELL STREAMLINING

Uploaded 2021-05-29T23:49:25.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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