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Saturday, 1 May 2021

Shut the Fuck Up-The Senator McConman Rides Again Edition, May 1, 2021.avi by Deb Della Piana

Shut the Fuck Up-The Senator McConman Rides Again Edition, May 1, 2021.avi by Deb Della Piana


Good Evening, My Little Chickens. You know, there is no end to the BULLSHIT that the GOP blows out its ass on a daily basis. The fact of the matter is this: I have little love for any politician or party. But the GOP really disgusts me on every level and they ALWAYS have. They rarely propose ANY legislation that benefits the people in general. And they spend the bulk of their time filing bullshit legislation that oppresses whatever group is in their crosshairs. This is Bitch McConnell's latest complaint: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mcconnell-attacks-biden-rule-s-antiracism-focus-calling-it-divisive/ar-BB1gexvi?ocid=msedgntp And all I can say is that if the fucking shoe fits, wear it. The GOP has turned the party over to the far right by bootlicking for Donald Trump. They've brought this on themselves, and now they can fucking shut the fuck up. They have now embraced white supremacists, Hitler lovers, pimps masquerading as public servants, and all manner of dirtbags. You reap what you sow. #BecomeUngovernable http://www.becomeungovernable.info

Uploaded 2021-05-01T23:50:12.000Z Aerials and Satellites Wakefield

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