Artificial Reality 人工真實 (Full Length Documentary) by Keith Lam 林欣傑
Artificial Reality 人工真實 (2021) Robotic Installation 機械裝置 More information: “Mythologies: Surrealism and Beyond — Masterpieces from Centre Pompidou” The Special Gallery, 2/F Hong Kong Museum of Art 2021.05.21 – 2021.09.15 《超現實之外——巴黎龐比度中心藏品展》 二樓專題廳 香港藝術館 2021.05.21 – 2021.09.15 Jean Baudrillard warned in “Simulacra and Simulation”: The simulation, reflection of basic reality originally, is harming or even replacing the basic reality. As time goes by when digital technology intervent in our everyday life, the “reality” is heterotactic and creates this simulation gradually, this is the hyperreality of what Jean Baudrillard mentioned. The Hyperreality that created by digital technology expose everyone in danger and everyone will pay the cost of it very soon; as we won’t be able to differentiate what we see is actually from the real “real”, or actually the simulation already replacing the actual reality. Particularly referring to the chaotic situation resulted from how artificial intelligent creates the sub-conscious of one self and further integrates with overwhelming information, social media and high-speed communication, people are at the age that high-speed internet already broke the physical boundary. If the artificial conscious is able to generate its own sub-conscious, does the era of hyperreality replaced the reality is already arrived? Artificial Reality is derived the infinity replication through the artificial sub-consciousness, it is the Hyperreality right behind the Virtual; from the reflection of reality, the masking to the perversion from the reality, and then eventually masking with the absence of reality, and even out of or detach from any reality. This unique status of mimicry formulate a new reality, a hyperreality is more real than the reality. In the chaotic reality of reality and artificially made hyperreality, is that we are living in our own simulacrum? Is the hyperreality the new surreal? 尚. 布希亞 在《擬仿物與仿真體》中已經警告:「原來只是反映『原真實』的仿真體有可能危害到,乃至於取代『原真實』。」 因為數位科技的介入,「真實」造成異變,進而形成一種「在仿體」現象,成為了布希亞所指的「超真實」。數位所創造的超真實之所以讓我們曝於險境並將付出代價,在於我們無法判定所見的真實是否來自原真實,乃至仿真體取代原真實。尤其在網絡的速度結束了實體的距離限制,由人工智能創造人工意識,結合資訊、社交媒體及高速通訊所結成的「在仿體」,正在使整個歷史進入紊亂的狀態。當人工智能逐漸擁有它所自我生成的潛意識,原真實被超真實取代的時刻是否已經來臨? 藏在虛擬背後所建構的「超真實」實體,Artificial Reality 《人工現實》 正在從由人工生成的潛意識中無間斷創作及複製,從真像的投射、偽裝和曲解真像,到偽裝不存在的真像、脫離真像與事實,成為一個獨立的擬態,擲入人類還以為的真實當中,產生比真實還真實的超真實,並成為了新的真實。 在原真實和人工生成的超真實編織而成的紊亂現實當中,我們的生活會不會也只是自己的擬像?超真實會否成為新的「超現實」? ============================= Commissioned by Hong Kong Museum of Art 香港藝術館 委託創作 ============================= 聯合主辦 康樂及文化事務署 法國五月藝術節 聯合籌劃 香港藝術館 龐比度中心 主力支持:香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 支持機構:法國駐香港總領事館 贊助機構:信德集團有限公司及法國巴黎銀行 法國五月藝術節節目 Jointly presented by Leisure and Cultural Services Department The French May Arts Festival Jointly organised by Hong Kong Museum of Art Centre Pompidou Exhibition made possible with major support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Supported by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong Sponsors: Shun Tak Holdings Limited and BNP Paribas A Programme of The French May Arts Festival ============================= Team 團隊 Artist 藝術家: Keith Lam 林欣傑 Producer 監製: Joel Kwong 鄺佳玲 Creative Coding, Electronic Engineering, Production 創意編程,電子工程,製作: Keith Lam, Seth Hon 林欣傑, 韓家俊 Music, Sound, Robotics Engineering 聲音, 機械人工程 : Keith Lam 林欣傑 Production Team 製作團隊: Sky Region Production, Dimension Plus Special Acknowledgement 特別鳴謝 : Ufactory ** Special Notes ** In echoing "Surrealism", "Artificial Reality" is not using the technique of how surrealism artist used to apply, but back into its core: subconscious. With advanced technology of creating synthetic media such as deep technology (deep learning, deep fake, etc), the boundary of real and unreal, reality and virtual is getting blur or even mixed. "In psychology, the subconscious is the part of the mind that is not currently in focal awareness." Our subconscious is constructed and composed with how we learn the reality and the history/experience of its own. Digital media dominate most of the channels on delivering "news" and "knowledge", it is describing how's the world and even us ourselves are happening and processing. What if the mechanics behind this giant content offerer has its own conscious or even subconscious? What will be the human subconscious if this machine mechanics behind has its own subconscious? 回應 超現實主義,《人工真實》沒有借用超現實主義藝術創作的技法及手法於作品之上,反之回到該主義的核心:潛意識。先進科技造就了各式的合成媒體,例如深科技(深度學習、深度造假等),真與非真、現實與虛擬的邊界因此而愈來愈模糊。 「心理學上,潛意識是腦內當下不是焦點的意識。」我們的潛意識的組成來自於我們如何學習及認識世界,及基於自身的經歷和歷史。數碼媒體主宰大部份傳播 "新聞" 及 "知識" 的渠道,它為告訴及形容正在發生及已發生的各種"真實"。如果在這個提供資訊和知識的背後運作的人工機械擁有意識甚至潛意識,人類的潛意識還是本來的潛意識嗎?
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